France: Half of Police Back Le Pen

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
February 12, 2017

The other half of police, one would have to assume, are Islamic jihadists.

Daily Express:

Marine Le Pen has been handed a vote of confidence from French police forces as around half of them have voiced their support for the far-right party.

Marine Le Pen’s Front National has pledged to give power and resources back to French police in order to combat disorder unfolding across European streets.

French forces responded in kind to the promise, as a new poll revealed that half of the country’s police consider backing the party in this year’s presidential election.

In a bid to cast her party as one of ‘law and order’, Mrs Le Pen said the police would be given the resources they need and the respect they deserve.

This comes amid growing escalation of protests against police brutality on French streets, after a black man was raped by several officers last week.

In an interview with France24, Le Pen’s campaign director, David Rachline, said that Front National are the party of the police and safe streets.

The 29-year-old politician, who is also mayor of the southern French town of Frejus, said: “We want the police to know we’re on their side and their claims are legitimate.

“It’s right they’re asking to be presumed innocent when they resort to self-defence. And they need more resources.”

Mr Rachline appears to strike a chord with those across the political spectrum, with his insistence to put France first, above all.

During a town hall meeting this week, he said: “The Calais camp was cleared using our money, it was given to the migrants.

“I would have liked that money to have gone to the French people. They are suffering too!”

Several police officers told the French news programme that citizens did not feel safe going outside.

They also mentioned that they feared for their own children walking to school in safety.

Here’s the guy says he was “raped” by racist cops:

Does that seem like a true thing that would happen in real life?

He looks like he’s about to rape Hollande. Or the other way around.

Can’t quite tell.


The Le Pen campaign is going very well at this point.

Feels good, man.