Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
February 9, 2015

So some guys in masks open-fired on police in Marseille today, then ran off.
But don’t you worry your little heads, goyim. Police are assuring us that it is about drugs, not Islam.
Although technically it is completely obvious that it was Moslems who did it either way, given that all of the drug-dealers in France are Moslems, it is different when the foreigners inside of your base killing you dudes are doing it over drugs instead of their religion. For some reason.
French police sealed off a housing estate in Marseille on Monday after hooded gunmen opened fire on a police car with Kalashnikov rifles in what a senior local official suggested was an incident related to drug crime.
Last week, two soldiers protecting a Jewish organization and radio station were wounded in a knife attack in the city of Nice.
The shooting in Marseille happened just as Prime Minister Manuel Valls arrived for a scheduled visit to hail statistics showing a fall in crime in France’s second largest city. There was no immediate information on whether there had been victims.
Elite police deployed following the incident on the north side of the city and residents of La Castellane neighbourhood, home to some 7,000, were ordered to stay indoors. A creche was evacuated as troops from the GIPN special forces unit were sent into the sealed-off estate, a police source said by telephone.
“This battle against drug trafficking is a long-term battle,” said Caroline Pozmentier, deputy mayor of Marseille.
Many stupid goyim in France are saying “if these people are killing us, why can’t we just send them back to their country?” What these stupid goyim don’t understand is that if they sent all of these colorfuls home, there would be no more kebab.
Also, as Prime Minister Valls himself has explained, the behavior of Moslems is the fault of ethnic French people who put all of the free government housing for the Moslems which the French people pay for in suburbs. This created an “apartheid” somehow for some reason.

Racist French goyim will say “but we live in housing we pay for ourselves, and so live in different areas than the Moslems who live in housing paid for by the state – when all Moslems live in government housing and all French people live in housing they pay for themselves, it naturally means we are going to live in different areas. Calling that ‘apartheid’ amounts to racial incitement without clear purpose.” But don’t believe their seemingly logical lies, it is just more excuses for their hatred which they feel for no reason against the innocent drug-dealing Moslem welfare immigrants.
Tricky, tricky French goyim told the Moslems “sure, come to our country for free, we will pay for your food, clothes, housing, healthcare etcetera! No problem at all for us!” and then the bastard French goyim pigs put all of there free housing in suburbs. So of course the Moslems started selling drugs and killing people – what else could they have done after the stupid tricky French goyim did them like that?