Daily Stormer
July 28, 2014

A French Jew activist was hunted down and ambushed outside his own home after his address was published on an anti-Jew forum.
France is now officially out of control. The riots are ongoing.
Regretting that immigration program yet, Jew?
The 24-year-old’s name appeared last week on a page on Facebook which contained the names and photos of dozens of people, including some of their addresses. The Facebook page of “Young French Revolutionaries” was taken offline but a cached version of it shows the caption “Smile, you’re on camera” on the post containing the dozens of pictures and details.
The Union of Jewish Students of France, or UEJF, confirmed to Le Monde that the 24-year-old’s name appeared on the list. According to Le Monde, he is associated with the French Jewish Defense League, or LDJ – a far-right group with a history of vigilante reprisals for attacks on French Jews.
This is only going to get worse all across Europe, but especially in France.
Muslims don’t care about threats of prison. They probably don’t even care about going to prison.
It will be interesting to see the next move of the Jews.