France: Latest Poll Shows Fillion Beating Le Pen with 66%

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
December 1, 2016


I’m sure France hoaxes polls, just the same as the US does.

Well, actually, they’re probably a couple decades behind in poll-hoaxing technology. Due to their refusal to learn English, the French tend to be a couple decades behind in everything.


Paris 2016

So yeah, I mean – whatever the case, Le Pen is going to need some kind of miracle.


It’s so, so frustrating.

We have to remove women from politics. At least from right-wing politics. That’s something the right-wing has control over. We are not benefiting from this. It doesn’t “soften our image” in any way that could be considered positive.


Francois Fillon looks likely to triumph over Marine Le Pen in the French presidential election runoff in May, with 66 percent of vote shown as going to the center-right candidate, the latest opinion poll by the Elabe Institute shows.

The survey indicated that Fillon (Les Republicains) and Le Pen (Front National) will take the lead after the first round of voting in April, and will get to the runoff. In the later ballot, scheduled for May, Fillon looks very likely to get 66 percent of the vote, while Le Pen is to receive 34 percent.

The poll was carried out online on September 28-29, and involved 941 voters as a representative group.

Hollande’s ratings have been going steadily down, with a drop from 17 percent in August to 15 percent in September, and continued sliding to the lowest figure in the history of the French presidency – 4 percent – according to polls by Ipsos, Elabe for Radio Classique, and Les Echos daily.

It was all setup, just like the situation with Donald Trump in the US.

But France doesn’t have a Donald Trump.

Instead they have Madam Frump.


Basically, on everything but the EU, Fillon’s rhetoric is better than Le Pen’s. People also view him as more capable than Le Pen, given that he is male. And though I don’t know his history in detail, just reading up on him over the last week, it seems that he has a more solid record than Le Pen, not doing all of this flip-flopping around.

This is so, so frustrating.

Frexit would kill the EU but this stupid woman is going to kill Frexit.

Dear French: It isn’t too late to pull Le Pen and run a Dark Horse.