France: More Cops Murdered by Hajis

Daily Stormer
June 20, 2016

We have to ask what benefit these people offer.

Gallia Watch:

Two policemen (a man and his female companion) were killed by a Muslim “known to the police” on Monday.

Calls for the resignation of Bernard Cazeneuve, Manuel Valls and François Hollande fill the pages of Riposte Laïque.

Here Christine Tasin, president of the association Résistance Républicaine and Pierre Cassen, founder of Riposte Laïque, call for a demonstration this weekend that marks the anniversary of Charles de Gaulle’s appeal to the French in 1940:

Two police officers were killed in Magnanville (department of Yvelines) in their home, in front of their three-year-old, by a Muslim on file for terrorism that the Socialist State had allowed to run free, like tens of thousands of others.

This killing, perpetrated just hours after Orlando, a few weeks after the massacre in Brussels, a few months after the slaughter in the Bataclan, and a year and a half after the Charlie Hebdo attacks, confirms that the Western world is in a barbaric war, led by Islam, on our own territory.

In our country, France, since January 7, 2015, our government has not taken a single efficient measure to protect our fellow citizens. It has, on the contrary, increased its acts of allegiance to the religion of the assassins. It has not closed any mosques, or expelled any apologist of jihad, it has not taken any measure against the proselytizing of a dogma that marks our country more and more aggressively, through the construction of mosques, the profusion of veils and halal butcher shops.

Even worse, this regime and its Interior minister, have imposed on France, since January 7, 2015, tens of thousands of newcomers, primarily Muslims, often aggressive against the police and our fellow citizens, as the daily events in Calais show.

Even more troubling, instead of devoting all the forces of the State apparatus to the fight against Muslim terrorists, this minister dared to file suits against resistant patriots, and to order his services to increase the persecutions against the French who dare question his angelic vision of Islam.

It is time for the French to act, to go out into the street, wherever they can organize.

This Interior minister must be stripped of his functions immediately, and the whole government, incapable of protecting its citizens, must resign.

We propose, on this weekend of June 17, 18, 19, the date of General de Gaulle’s appeal to the French people in 1940, that wherever possible patriots hold meetings in homage to the two fallen policemen, and to all the victims of Islam, in France and in the world.

We strongly urge that these assemblies bring people together in a spirit of unity.

We, along with other political and associative groups, will take our responsibility, notably in Paris, to hold an assembly, at a place and time to be determined.