France: Moslem Arrested for Involvement in Strasbourg Terror Attack

Another victory in the war against bad apples.


One person is to appear before a judge as part of a terrorism-related investigation into a shooting attack that killed five people last week near a Christmas market in the eastern French city of Strasbourg, the Paris prosecutor’s office said Monday.

An official close to the investigation, who could not be named as the case was ongoing, said the man is suspected of having been involved in supplying the weapon used by suspected gunman Cherif Chekatt in the Dec. 11 attack. Chekatt died in a shootout with police in Strasbourg Thursday.

The suspect is the only one of seven people initially detained as part of the investigation who is still in custody.

The death toll from the attack increased to five Sunday night after a Polish man died of his wounds in a Strasbourg hospital. Barto Orent-Niedzielski, 36, lived in the city, where he worked at the European Parliament and as a journalist.