France: Number of “Radical” Moslems More Than Doubled Since Merkel Invasion

The New Observer
February 5, 2016

The number of hardcore radical Islamists under state observation in France has more than doubled to 8,250 individuals since last year’s Angela Merkel-encouraged mass nonwhite invasion of Europe, the le Figaro newspaper has revealed.


Displaying the statistics—obtained from the French Ministry of the Interior, which in turn is based on surveys provided by the police and the Ministry of Education—in graph format, le Figaro said that the report was classified as top secret but was leaked to the paper.

The secret report, dated January 28, 2016, revealed that in March 2015, the number of “radicalized Islamists” in France under observation stood at 3,100, but since then, the figure has risen to 8,250.

Of that number, at least 70 percent are male, and 20 percent are “minors,” the report added.

Every single region of the country is affected—an indication that the nonwhite invasion has filtered out to even the remotest regions of the country.

However, the large urban centers—many of which now have outright nonwhite majorities—are still the Islamist strongholds, with Paris, Lyon, Toulouse, and Nice containing the largest number of radicals, the paper said.

Also, contrary to “popular belief,” le Figaro wrote, these radicals are not keyboard warriors.

“The trigger in 95 percent of these individuals is related to human contact,” the paper said, quoting a source in the police’s counterterrorism coordination unit.

The only details missing from the report are the nationalities and origins of the Islamists—but it does not take a mind reader to see the correlation between the speeded-up invasion and the rise in the number of radicals.


The-Immigration-Invasion* According to the book The Immigration Invasion, the estimates of non-European immigrants—and their descendants—living in France vary greatly.

“However, one thing is definite: France has one of the highest numbers of non-European resident immigrant populations in all of Europe, and has paid a dear price for this indulgence.”

According to that book, although it is illegal to record a person’s racial origins in France, a “reasonable estimate” based on a number of sources of the total number of Third World origin immigrants—and their descendants—in France “would most likely be in the region of at least 13 million”—prior to the mass invasion of the last year or so.

“Considering that France’s total population in July 2008 was some 60.8 million, it is a reasonable estimate to assume that, in total, some 21 or 22 percent of the population was non-European in origin. Of that population, at least six or seven million are Muslims from North Africa and the Middle East, making France one of the foremost outposts of the Islamification of Europe,” the book says.

“Given the rapid reproduction rates of the immigrant population—which has more than trebled in less than 20 years—it is highly likely that, unless halted and reversed, France may very well become the first Muslim state in Europe.”