France: Only “Deradicalization” Center Shut Down – “Failed Experiment”

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
July 29, 2017

So it doesn’t work to convert Moslems to non-terrorism.

Because they like being terrorists.


France has officially shut down its only state-run radicalization prevention center in Pontourny, near the Loire Valley, intended to host up to 25 people who become radicalized and choose to enroll on a voluntary basis.

The French Interior Ministry noted in a statement on Friday that the live-in reception center in Pontourny was “experimental,” and “showed its limits.”

It was therefore decided to shut the facility down, the statement provided by AFP said, adding that “the government will study the possibility of opening [some other] small structures to develop alternative solutions to incarceration.”

The French government decided to open the center with the objective of “preparing and developing an educational program used for the reintegration of radicalized young people in the process of marginalization,”Le Parisien reported.

But since opening last September, the center has only welcomed nine volunteer residents, and none of them have completed the program, the interior ministry said, as cited by the French newspaper.

A Senate report, unveiled earlier this month, lambasted France’s deradicalization strategy, calling for the center in Pontourny to be closed, Le Parisien reported.

The center is running empty, without a single volunteer, while thirty employees are paid without having a specific mission, French lawmakers said. The experimental center has meanwhile cost a total of €2.5 million ($2.9 million). Denouncing the “financial mismanagement,” the report recommended “ending the experiment.”

The implication here, of course, is that this entire “multiculturalism” agenda is physically impossible.

But nevermind that.

Did you hear that the evil patriarch Donald Trump said something nasty about chicks with dicks?

What a mean person.