France: Soldier Stabbed by Vibrant Who Literally Got Away with Murder a Few Years Ago

One of the biggest problems I see with letting murderers walk free is that they could commit more crimes.

In fact, you might even wonder if not punishing violent crime encourages violent crime. Though we would have to do a study on that one to be sure, and I’m pretty sure doing the study would be against the law, so we’re just left to speculate.


A French soldier was stabbed in the back by a Congolese-born migrant at the Gare de l’Est in Paris on Monday evening.

The attack occurred shortly before 10 p.m. local time when the 40-year-old perpetrator drove a knife between the shoulder blades of the soldier who was patrolling the French capital as part of the Opération Sentinelle counter-terror initiative.

The attacker was swiftly arrested and remains in custody.

The victim was escorted by the emergency services to a hospital located at the Percy Army Training Center in Clamar (Hauts-de-Seine). He is understood to be in a stable condition.

As cited by the Actu17 news outlet, a source close to the ongoing police investigation said the attacker’s motivation for the stabbing was retaliation for French military operations in his home country.

“He said he acted because soldiers are killing people in his country, Congo,” the unnamed source told French media.

The suspect is known to the authorities, having previously been arrested back in January 2018 in relation to the murder of a young man who was stabbed in Châtelet-Les-Halles. The Congolese migrant was “declared irresponsible because of his state of mental health” after the suspect was diagnosed with various psychiatric disorders, Actu17 reported.

Why would you go to a war with a country then invite people from that country to live in your country, and then be surprised when those people attack your soldiers?

There are a lot of things to ponder on this matter.

Europe has other priorities now