France: Thot Exhibitionist Flashes Her Disgusting Crotch in Front of Mona Lisa

Eric Striker
Daily Stormer
October 2, 2017

People often ask why some Western women behave in this fashion. The answer is: why not!

The exhibitionist slut in the above footage doesn’t have to fear being gang-raped by art aficionados defending the honor of the Mona Lisa. She knows no angry father whose kids are forced to witness this lewd display is going to kick her in the pussy. There’s no Cossacks around to whip her. She knows the police will slap her on the wrist and the journalists will make her a world famous star.

In other words, when men become domesticated, women become feral.

Imagine for a second it was a man running up to the middle of the Louvre strumming on his pecker like he’s playing a rock and roll solo. Would anyone tolerate that? I wouldn’t. The man would be beaten and the courts would throw the book at him – and good riddance to that.

Here instead the crime elicits laughter and applause from cuckmen carrying their sons in kangaroo pouches.


A performance artist has been put on trial for exhibitionism after she exposed her genitals in front of the Mona Lisa.

On Sunday 24 September, Deborah de Robertis bared her genitals in front of the Leonardo Da Vinci painting at The Louvre. Shouting “Mona Lisa, my pussy, my copyright”, she ruffled the feathers of a few onlookers, including security staff.

De Robertis was arrested and kept in custody for two days. She’ll face trial on 18 October for exhibitionism and assault – she also bit one of the guards.

She defended her method: “The goal was not to exhibit my genitals,” the Luxembourger told AFP, “but to copy a famous photograph by Valie Export.” Export was an artist in the 1970s, noted for her provocative performances.

“My message is to question the place of women artists in the history of art. That’s why it’s necessary to do my performances in museums.”

De Robertis’ lawyer finds the legal approach scandalous: “It’s not exhibitionism if there is no wish to assault someone sexually, which is completely contrary to the work of this performance artist.”

It’s not the first time de Robertis has faced trial for exhibitionism.

Back in April, she had pulled the same stunt while France 2 – French national TV – filmed on. Video showed security staff struggling to cover her up as dozens of tourists captured the moment on their phones. It took the Louvre security jst 30 seconds to snatch her away from the podium.

She has been arrested several times for indecent exposure. In February 2017, she was acquitted after a judge ruled similar stunts in other Parisian museums were artistic performances.

A man shows dozens of families his genitals: a pervert.

A woman shows dozens of families her genitals: “performance art.” She claims to be questioning the place of women in art in history? Somehow her argument is that her naked disheveled self masturbating in front of strangers is more dignified than the Mona Lisa.

The only way to fight fire is with fire. The solution here is for bold men to test the legal precedent clown courts are setting in France by going to where feminist dykes hang out and flashing them while flicking your tongue between your fingers. When the police come, say it was “performance art” questioning the lack of men in feminist groups.

The legendary Brazilian slutwalk man had the right idea. He almost caused a riot just by mirroring the behavior of the slutwalkers.

Perhaps turning every college campus into Egypt’s Tahrir Square might be too much, but white men need to become a little more savage if we’re going to protect our kids and restore our civilization.

Women go as far as you let them. Men must become more feral for women to become more domestic!