Daily Stormer
April 11, 2015

In a statement denouncing Le Pen and the National Front, the Prime Minister of France appeared to suggest that Le Pen would use France’s nuclear weapons arsenal for anti-Semitic and/or anti-Moslem purposes.
This is a really, really wacky thing to say, I think.
French Prime Minister Manuel Valls said Friday that nuclear-armed France must not fall into the hands of the National Front, during an interview on Portuguese TV.
“France has nuclear weapons, it is out of the question that this country falls into the hands of the National Front,” said the prime minister, who is on an official visit to Lisbon, in response to a question about the rise of the far right party.
Valls accused the party’s candidates of holding “anti-Semitic, racist, anti-Muslim, homophobic and sexists views” in the interview aired Friday night.
The prime minister denounced the party’s “anti-European stance that seeks to divide and always makes immigrants and Muslims the scapegoat” and “can destroy French society.”
Ah well. Doesn’t much matter. FN is collapsing under the weight of that unhinged woman’s ego, and so isn’t going to get the chance to nuke anyone.