France: Valls to Run for President Again

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
December 5, 2016

Valls isn’t as hated as “Mr. 4%” Hollande, but he’s still hated worse than probably any President in the world.

Why is he doing this?

For teh lulz?


French Prime Minister Manuel Valls announced on Monday that he is running to become the Socialist candidate in the 2017 presidential election in France.

“I am a candidate for the presidency of the republic,” Valls said at his headquarters in the Parisian suburb of Evry.

“I want to give everything for France,” he stressed, adding that he “cannot be Prime Minister while being a candidate,” he said. The 54-year-old Spanish-born prime minister announced that his government will resign on Tuesday.

Valls wrote on Twitter that his candidacy “is also a revolt against the idea that the left is disqualified from this presidential election.”

During his speech, Valls adopted an assertive tone, stating that he is running for president because he wants “an independent France … inflexible in its values [when] faced with the China of Xi Jinping, the Russia of Vladimir Putin, [and] the America of Donald Trump.”

The PM said that he believes himself to be the politician with the right experience for the present international scene.

Speculations about Valls joining the race began last week after President Francois Hollande said that he will not be running for a second term.

The French Socialist Party is to hold a two-round primary in January to choose its presidential candidate.

The first round of the French presidential vote is scheduled for April 23 next year with a run-off on May 7.

It is going to be hard race for the left after Hollande became the most unpopular French president in history, with an approval of just 4 percent in November.

The president’s rating crumbled due to austerity, an influx of refugees, and deadly terror attacks on French soil, which authorities were unable to prevent.

Remember, this is the guy who told the French they just have to “get used to” Islamic terrorism – which I actually respected as a very honest statement from a pro-invasionist. I mean, all of these other invasionists are like “no no – they’ll just stop doing this, spontaneously, for no reason, at some point in the near to distant future – we promise.”

But I mean. In a period where people are less than excited about getting blown up on the streets, I wouldn’t think he’s going to do all that well.

But we’ll see. It spices thing up a bit, for sure.