France Votes to Lift Anti-Russian Sanctions

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
April 29, 2016

It’s a “non-binding resolution.”

The EU is just going to toss it away with the side of its hand.

Because the EU really, really, really wants to free Crimea from Fascist Patriarchalism and give to them true freedom and democracy.

But as a symbolic thing, I guess this is something nice for the French to do.

Perhaps they feel the tables beginning to turn.


French MPs have voted in favor of a resolution to lift the EU-imposed sanctions initially slapped on Russia over the crisis in Ukraine and the reunification with Crimea. The document is non-binding.

Fifty-five members of the French National Assembly have supported the resolution calling on the government not to extend the sanctions imposed on Russia by the EU. Forty-four voted against and two abstained. Of the 577 deputies in the National Assembly, the lower house of the French Parliament, 101 took part in the vote.

The resolution, calling on the French government to protest extension of EU sanctions against Russia, was submitted by 85 French MPs.

Thierry Mariani, member of the center-right Republicans party who initiated the parliamentary debate, says the document “calls on the French government not to extend the restrictive measures and economic sanctions imposed on Russia by the European Union.”

The debate on canceling sanctions was held at the National Assembly for the first time, the politician said. Mariani stressed that anti-Russian sanctions should be lifted because they only cause harm.

“We are demanding that the sanctions be lifted because they are totally ineffective and they are dangerous for our economy,” he told the Assembly.

“I have seen our minister of agriculture standing in front of our farmers and say ‘We have to lift the sanctions.’ I’ve seen the minister of finance reiterate the same thing. And all they do is say ‘We can’t do anything, Europe is to blame’,” the MP told RT, saying that while he is “part of the opposition,” regarding this matter he wants “to help the government.”

“France is constantly saying that it’s the birthplace of human rights, that the people’s will should always be respected. So now I’m waiting for France to accept the will of the parliament and demand the lifting of the sanctions during the next talks,” Mariani said in an interview with RT France after the vote.

The MP said that he does not know of any resolutions that haven’t been considered by the government, and said that Francois Hollande “must take the responsibility” and make a move towards a restrictions-free policy in relations with Russia.

If the parliament’s position on the issue is not accepted, “it will be the strongest slap in the face of democracy,” Mariani said.

It will be instructive to watch how it is dealt with.

Even though we all know exactly how it will be dealt with.