France: White Primary School Teacher Stabbed to Death by Black Pupil’s Mother

Daily Kenn
July 7, 2014

Teacher Fabienne Calmes – a mother of two little girls – died after being stabbed in the abdomen by a female Black at the Edouard Herriot school in the town of Albi, in south west France.

Not to worry. This took place in France. America, on the other hand, is a nation of immigrants.

Diversity is our strength. Add a slew of other clichés to sooth your conscience and enhance your mental delusions.

While we’re at it, lets remind ourselves of the faux stereotypes that characterize Irish and Italian immigrants as mafia mobs. There are plenty of Hollywood productions to reinforce that delusion and create a false reality that all immigrants are violent thugs, regardless of race or ethnic heritage. Then — when a Moroccan stabs her teacher to death in front of a classroom full of terrified five and six year olds — we can think, “Oh, well! White immigrants were even worse!”

She was stabbed to death in front of her five and six-year-old pupils.

Daily Mail:

A school teacher was stabbed to death by a pupil’s mother in front of a classroom full of her horrified five and six-year-old students.

Fabienne Calmes, a 34-year-old mother of two little girls, died after being stabbed in the abdomen this morning, the last day of term at the Edouard Herriot school in the town of Albi in south west France.

The 47-year-old attacker reportedly burst into the classroom and screamed ‘I’m not a thief’ before stabbing the teacher in the abdomen.

She then attempted to escape but was caught around 20 minutes later close to the school grounds.

Emergency services were pictured outside the school earlier today, where a Black mother of one of the pupils stabbed a White teacher to death in front of her class.

The Moroccan-born woman, who holds Spanish nationality, has a police record for child neglect and not reporting a runaway child, French radio reported.

Benoit Hamon, France’s education minister, paid tribute to Ms Calmes. Using her maiden name, he said: ‘I want to pay tribute to the memory of Fabienne Terral-Calmes.

‘She was 34, a school teacher, mother to two little girls, Romane et Adele, who have lost their mummy. And the national education system has lost a formidable teacher.’

The attack took place around 9am at the school in the Lapanouse area of the town which has 284 pupils aged from three to 11.

The murderer fled the scene of the crime, and evaded arrest for 20 minutes before police found her near her home. The victim’s time of death was 11am.