France’s Education Rating Dragged Down by Low-IQ Immigrants

Islam Versus Europe
December 4, 2013

Whereas Whites excel in the sciences, Muslims excel at blowing things up and then yelling about it.
Whereas Whites excel in the sciences, Muslims excel at blowing things up and then yelling about it.

France is one of the OECD countries where educational inequalities are the most marked. The 10% of pupils with the lowest performance have seen their results fall between 2003 and 2012.

…The authors of the PISA classification have been saying it for ten years. Although France maintains the level of its elite, it does not take adequate care of pupils who have difficulties. It is one of the OECD countries where educational inequalities are the most marked. And the PISA 2012 classification confirms this state of affairs, which is becoming even more aggravated in a worrying fashion. In relation to the results of 2003, there are almost as many highly performing pupils in France, but, most notably, there are many more pupils in difficulty, which implies that the system has degraded between 2003 and 2012. “The French education system is more unequal in 2012 than it was nine years previously. In France, if you belong to a disadvantaged milieu, you clearly have less chance to succeed than you did in 2003,” indicates the OECD.

…But even after controlling for the socio-economic milieu in France, pupils of immigrant origin show scores 37 points lower than indigenous pupils, that is almost the equivalent of one year of study.

Source: Le Figaro H/T: Dr Bazooka

Equality cult dogma insists that “people are all the same”. Therefore their success or failure in life can only be due to the circumstances or conditioning they have experienced in life. So we all have to play this absurd game of pretending that changes in educational achievement are due to failings in the educational system. In reality, of course, the failures can be attributed to the raw material that is input to the system, that is the pupils themselves. If you allow your country to be colonised by a horde of low-IQ immigrants from failed countries, you can be sure they, and their descendants who inherit their characteristics, are going to drag down all your averages, in the educational sphere, and in many others.