Franken Grope Billboard is AWESOME

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
November 30, 2017


I hate JEWS!

Hollywood Reporter:

A giant image of Sen. Al Franken grabbing at a half-naked woman greeted rush-hour commuters on a packed Los Angeles freeway early Thursday.

The billboard came courtesy of Sabo, a conservative street artist known for skewering Hollywood with fake advertisements aimed at celebrities.

This time, Sabo went further by hijacking an actual billboard, bought and paid for by 20th Century Fox to advertise The Greatest Showman, which opens Dec. 20 and stars Hugh Jackman and Zac Efron.

The movie, a musical about P.T. Barnum, also stars Zendaya as a trapeze artist, and it is her image that is featured on a billboard just off the 405 freeway near the National Blvd. exit, a couple of miles away from the Fox studios.

Before the sun rose in the morning, Sabo plastered on one half of the sign a giant version of the infamous photo of Al Franken groping radio host Leeann Tweeden. On the billboard, Sabo made it appear as if Franken was trying to grab Zendaya as she flies through the air dressed in a sexy trapeze outfit.

Fox’s original billboard has Zendaya flying into the waiting arms of Efron, whose image is across the street on another billboard. That one was not altered as of yet.

“Efron wanted to catch her, but Franken got there first, I guess,” Sabo told The Hollywood Reporter on Thursday, adding that the alteration is temporary and doesn’t ruin the original billboard. “I don’t need that kind of hell raining down on me.”

Pretty sure there weren’t any niggers in any P.T. Barnum events.

But you know, as far as niggers go, if I was going to grope one…

Speaking of Jews and gropings and niggers and such, another bitch has accused Franken.



A US army veteran is accusing Senator Al Franken of having touched her breast while posing for a photo on a 2003 tour to entertain troops in Kuwait.

Stephanie Kemplin, a 27-year-old military police officer at the time, says she was left feeling frozen.

She is the fifth woman to have accused Mr Franken of inappropriate touching.

Referring to the latest accusation, Mr Franken’s spokesperson told CNN that he “has never intentionally engaged in this kind of conduct”.

“As Sen Franken made clear this week, he takes thousands of photos and has met tens of thousands of people… He remains fully committed to co-operating with the ethics investigation,” the spokesperson said.

In a press conference on his return to Washington earlier this week, the Minnesota Democrat said he was “ashamed” of his past behaviour.

It is totally and completely insane that this kike hasn’t resigned yet.

I just can’t even.

He isn’t even denying it.

It would be one thing if he was like “ALL OF THESE WHORES ARE LYING THE PICTURES ARE PHOTOSHOPPED!!!!111”

Instead he is just like “well, this is very embarrassing, you know…”


Everyone has to be seeing this.

And what you all need to be doing is putting in every comments section everywhere that this guy is a Jew, and that is why he is getting away with it.

Because he’s God’s Chosen People.