Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
September 19, 2015

This is the official end of free speech.
And they are tricking you here, because it isn’t actually “speech,” it is performance art. But that is, legally, the same thing as speech.
A former University of Mississippi student who admitted helping place a noose on a statue of a civil rights activist is going to prison.
U.S. District Judge Michael P. Mills sentenced Graeme Phillip Harris on Thursday to six months in prison beginning Jan. 4, followed by 12 months’ supervised release.Harris pleaded guilty in June to a misdemeanor charge of using a threat of force to intimidate African-American students and employees, and prosecutors agreed to drop a felony charge.
“Threat of force” goyim.
He should have taken this to the supreme court.
But he didn’t.
“No one should have to endure threats or intimidation because of their race or the color of their skin,” Principal Deputy Assistant Attorney General Vanita Gupta said in a written statement. Gupta leads the Department of Justice’s Civil Rights Division.
“Threats” and “intimidation” are not the same thing, and racist performance art is neither of these things.
Who comes up with this tripe?

My whole life is now infinity facepalm.
Prosecutors say the Alpharetta, Georgia, resident and two other former students placed a noose and a former version of the Georgia state flag containing the Confederate battle emblem on the statue of James Meredith sometime before dawn on Feb. 16, 2014.
Meredith integrated Ole Miss amid rioting that was suppressed by federal troops in 1962.
Yeah and it’s worked out great.
Friggin genius move, that one.
Harris admitted to undertaking the plan after a night of drinking in the Sigma Phi Epsilon fraternity house. The fraternity closed its chapter in the aftermath.
Davis Hill, Harris’ lawyer, had argued he didn’t deserve jail time in a Sept. 2 court filing, saying that Harris had joined a fraternity which fostered racist behavior, was attending counseling to deal with alcohol problems and had admitted guilt.
Yeah, plus also he didn’t commit any crimes. Except possibly vandalism and/or trespassing, I guess, but he is being charged with neither of those.
“Graeme fully recognizes the folly of the conduct and attitudes that bring him before this court,” wrote Hill, noting Harris had written a letter of apology to Meredith. “He has grown, improved and become more serious as a person.”
If I were him I would join a skinhead militia after getting kiked like this.
Hill wrote that the seeds of racial bias were planted when Harris transferred to a Georgia high school seeking to play quarterback, only to have a black head coach pass over him for a black quarterback. He wrote those seeds bloomed at Sigma Phi Epsilon, where he said incoming pledges were taught to keep alive grudges over Ole Miss’ purge of Confederate symbolism such as the Colonel Reb mascot and the display of Confederate battle flags at sporting events.
“Blatant racism was not only OK, it was expected,” Hill wrote of the fraternity.
Who cares? Most people hate Blacks. That has nothing at all to do with anything.
Precedent is set here, brother. This is the beginning of a process to shut down free expression if it hurts feelings by saying that hurting someone’s feelings is the same thing as threatening someone with violence.
But they’re gonna have to send a death squad for me.
And I swear to God I will crawl up out of the shallow grave and put my brain back in my skull and start typing race-hate on the internet again.