Freeloading Black Parasites Steal White People’s Clothing and Wi-Fi

Daily Mail
August 5, 2015

A sign erected by a farmer on the entrance to his property near to the ‘Jungle’ camp in Calais, which reads ‘Traps!’

Desperate locals in Calais are putting their houses on the market amid claims that migrants have been stealing their washing and Wi-Fi connections.

One farmer living in the area has even set up thermal imaging cameras and electric wires around a vacant house he owns for fear that squatters may take over.

A sign displayed at the entrance to the gates, which are reinforced with barbed wire, reads: ‘Traps!’.

The road, Rue de Gravelines, which backs onto the camp known as ‘the jungle’, is also littered with ‘A Vendre’ (for sale) signs.

Another local yesterday told the Mail that he was moving out of his rented home because of the camp.

The man who would only give his name as René, 59, said that, of the four cluster of houses on the road, he was the second to move out as a result.

Fences, barb-wire and traps mean nothing to these backwards savages.

René, who is retired, has lived in the house for three years and enjoys the ‘tranquil’ setting.

But, he claims his 18-year-old daughter is now too scared to take the bus to and from Calais town centre at night because of the dozens of men travelling back and forth from the tunnel.

On the other side of the road to his house, is a large grass verge where he claims some days 30 migrants sit in order to use internet connections in nearby homes.

He said: ‘They hook into our Wi-Fi and sometimes there are clothes that go missing off our lines.

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