French Author Herve Ryssen Attacked by Jews Over New Antisemitic Book

Daily Stormer
December 10, 2014

From the YouTube description:

Hervé Ryssen, the most intransigent fighter against ZOG in France is once again dragged to court by Jewish associations. You can’t possible imagine the bravery demanded in 2014 France to oppose at the same time massive Islamic extra-European immigration, homosexual degeneracy (a transexual freak massively displayed on French billboard to advertise a headset :…), Zionist wars in the Middle-East, Zionist stranglehold on the government, the culture and the monetary system!

If you don’t have a deep love for your people and your country, you can’t understand Hervé. He was beaten up by the Jewish thugs of the JDL, he was fined thousands of Euros, he is constantly defamed in the media, he was fired from his job (he was a history teacher in High school), he was condemned to jail…but he ‘s still standing up! In this dark time for European mankind, and despite the threat of complete annihilation, a very few dare to take the blow no matter how hard it is, and Hervé is one of them. Behind his jovial face, one can notice lots of sadness is in his heart, and if you’re a self-conscious European you just need to come to France for 2 days to feel the same.

Hervé can read english, so please if you could give him a supporting tweet on @HerveRyssen that would be nice! Please share this video, download it, talk and think about it. Hervé has a right to speak up, we have the duty to defend him!

Herve’s new book.