Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
March 4, 2015

It is an obvious thing, if you’re a Jew, to mix all your enemies together in the minds of the gullible goyim pigs.
For instance, if Moslems are killing you, say it is happening because of the internet, then say that it is also the fault of Nazis somehow and all must be silenced. Then pass laws in the countries you have full control over that make it illegal for Nazis to speak about you.
Then when you realize that websites exist outside of the borders of countries, go to America, and say you respect their free speech laws, but these laws should be bypassed by private corporations who can technically still legally silence speech by blocking the use of their services.
Oh, and don’t forget – equate those who have negative feelings towards Jews as a group with child molesters. Always do that.
The head of France’s largest Jewish organization called on Americans to combat online hate speech, in an advertisement in The New York Times.
“On the Internet, anti-Semitic ravings, rooted in centuries old myths such as the rich Jew and the powerful Jew go unchecked,” he wrote, averring that both resentment of Jews and jihadism thrive online.
Only several clicks on Google can bring one to pages full of conspiracy theories, including ones linking Jews to the 9/11 attacks and old canards like The Protocols of the Elders of Zion, which can be “liked” with impunity, he said.
Given that the hosts of much of this content are American firms that are subject to American law, France’s friends here must “convince them to set a limit to this swarm of hate.”
Cukierman added that, while freedom of speech is a core American value, it must be possible to crack down on online hate “without inhibiting” free expression.
The French communal leader called on Internet corporations to remove anti-Semitic content as soon as it is flagged and for the technology sector to “conform, in each country they are present, to the laws of democracies faced with anti-Semitism.”
Many European nations maintain much stricter controls on hate speech than the United States. In France “we have many ways to fight hatred directed at Jews” in the local press, but very little recourse against a “web woven across the Atlantic,” he added.
“Freedom of speech is not freedom to hate” or to “incite murder,” he concluded, likening the battle against anti-Semitism to efforts made to ban child pornography.
I’m not the one who wove a web across the Atlantic, Jew. You did this when your sickening tribe crawled up out of the Middle East, infested Europe and then followed us like rats on our ships to the new world so you could suck our blood.
No one wants to murder. Except I guess the Moslems, they actually do want to murder you. But that has nothing to do with us or our cross-Atlantic web of freedom.

This is absolutely sickening, this Jew telling my country to silence us because of Moslems. How do they have this nerve? How does he not blush?
To My French Brothers
I would like to make an offer to any of my French brothers: I am more than willing to host a website for you, in my name, here in the land of the free. For whatever reason, you people never learned English (actually I know the reason, it’s because you are cocky as hell), and so this site is of less use to you in your struggle than it is to the Anglosphere (and basically all the rest of Europe besides Poland or whatever).

There needs to be a French language site dealing with these issues. You can access it through Tor, and I don’t even have to know your name or see your face. I would probably need to speak with you on the phone or something so I know you’re not trying to Jew me in some way.
But this is my response to this French Jewish rat’s attack on my country, my people – I want to help empower the French people to fight against him and his sickening kin along with their proxy hordes of Moslem savages.
If no one wants to take on that duty, I would also like to offer to host any French articles, or translations of articles into French, here on DS. The site already has very good Google rankings, so these materials would show up high on French search results (if Google works that way across language platforms, and I’m pretty sure it does).

Though I am particularly concerned about France at the moment, both of these offers are, of course, often to patriots of any nation which has Jew speech restrictions in their country.
Just write me a good email explaining your plan.
We cannot be stopped. And we will not slow down.
Revolution is in the air, brothers.

Hail Victory.