Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
January 13, 2016
Jews jewed-over absolutely everyone to the point where now they can’t even walk around on the streets without getting attacked. Rather than apologizing to the world, and trying to rectify this situation in some way, they are instead planning to start wearing baseball caps and pretending to be American rather than Jew.
Calls for French Jews to leave their skullcaps at home in the wake of a jihadist attack on a kippa-wearing teacher sparked an emotional debate Wednesday pitting security concerns against a desire to uphold Jewish identity.
Parents in the southern city of Marseille, where Monday’s vicious attack “in the name of Allah” added to a string of anti-Semitic incidents in recent months, have begun urging their sons to wear a baseball cap instead.
The city’s top Jewish leader, Zvi Ammar, had on Tuesday called on Jewish men and boys to stop wearing the kippa “until better days”, saying: “Unfortunately for us, we are targeted. As soon as we are identified as Jewish we can be assaulted and even risk death.”
Chillingly, Monday’s teenaged assailant, a self-radicalised ethnic Kurd from Turkey, reportedly told police he was “ashamed” that he did not manage to kill his 35-year-old victim, Benjamin Amsellem.
On Wednesday, government spokesman Stephane Le Foll declined to voice an opinion on the kippa, saying it was a “debate that originated within the Jewish community”.
Well, the organized American community just had a debate, and decided we don’t want you culturally appropriating the baseball cap and bringing shame down on our nation.
For those who don’t know, it is part of the stupid Jew cult that they should cover the top of their heads.
But listen, Jews: if you launch a campaign to appropriate American culture in order to deflect street violence, we will launch a campaign to inform people what you are up to.
“American or Jew: Beware that Jews are Pretending to be Americans.”
Instead, you should appropriate Chinese rice field hats.
The Blacks did this a while back and the Chinese did nothing to intervene.