Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
January 14, 2015

A Daily Beast reporter, Dana Kennedy, has claimed to have gone to the suburbs of Paris where the cartoon-killers lived and interviewed some of the Moslem drug-dealers there, many of whom blamed Jews for doing Charlie. They claimed that it was part of a plot to get people to not like Moslems. One drug-dealer said that the attacks were in fact carried out by shape-shifting Jews.
Another young man of French-Algerian descent interviewed outside a gas station in the Saint-Denis suburb reacted angrily to a reporter’s presence and demanded to know her religion. “The worst thing is to be atheist,” he said.
The man, who gave his named as “Mohamed,” also said he was a devout Muslim but then changed his demeanor and added, grinning, that he was also “a delinquent.” Then he said he was a drug dealer and without prompting, invited the reporter into the (also very clean) gas station to show an array of hashish for sale in broad daylight on a shelf next to the ATM.
He also called the Paris terrorist attacks “un complot,” or conspiracy, and launched into a lengthy explanation of the “magical Jews” behind it. They were not ordinary Jews, he said, but a “hybrid race of shape shifters” who have extraordinary abilities. “They know how to get in everywhere,” he said. “They are master manipulators.”
Though surely I am not a fan of the Daily Beast, this woman (who is a Kennedy, so obviously not Jew) is clearly veering from the company line, drawing attention to the fact that as much as Moslems in France whine like little bitches about how terrible things are for them, their taxpayer-funded “ghettos” are nothing compared to what Americans think of when they think of ghettos.
Here she is being interviewed on MSNBC:
Again, the main group that these terrorist attacks hurt is Moslem immigrants in Europe, so of course they are going to endorse these theories. At the same time, many of them have been supporting the attacks, which makes it clear that Moslems would do something like this (as if we weren’t already aware of that).
This comes after the President of Turkey blamed Jews for the attacks, saying Moslems have never been involved in any terrorist attacks.
I wonder: did Jews do the three attacks in one week in France around Christmas? Was it Jews who burned a thousand cars on New Year’s in France? Is it Jews who are raping thousands of women on the streets in Sweden and other European countries? What about the hordes on the streets of Athens and Rome, sleeping on the streets and robbing people every chance they get – are these all secret Jews?

How about when Moslems have been aggressive and threatening to me personally – are they shape-shifting Jews? Or crisis actors?
How are you supposed to determine the difference between horrible Moslem behavior that is part of a secret Jewish conspiracy to make Moslems look bad and real horrible Moslem behavior?