French Nationalists Clash with Antifa Over Hostile Occupation of Calais

Sven Longshanks
Daily Stormer
September 7, 2014

A protester in Calais with a banner that reads: ‘Migrants equal insecurity, unhealthiness and economic disaster’. Kevin Reche from ‘Sauvons Calais’ (Save Calais)’ said ‘Left-wing scum are trying to stop us speaking up for the people of Calais, ‘There are all kinds of people demonstrating for a safe Calais – from the far right, to those without any political views. We are all calling for justice.’

French Nationalists demonstrated today in Calais, showing their disgust at the filth that has invaded their town.

Around 300 people showed up, including many that were not affiliated with Nationalist groups, but just wanted to see an end to the occupation by hostile forces.

A large group of Antifa showed up to aid the enemy forces, and as usual tried to physically attack the defenders of Christendom, but the Police barricaded the streets and kept the two groups apart.

While this was going on, the UK government decided to send a 9 foot high security fence that NATO have been using in Cardiff to Calais, in order to keep the savages from getting to the docks again.

All this came just days after the lice-infested tribesmen paraded through the streets of Calais demanding to be fed, housed, clothed and allowed in to Britain as it was their ‘Human Right.’

The unruly monkeys rampaged through Calais on Friday chanting ‘We just want to go to the UK’. However Noelle Richard who was with her schoolgirl daughter on Sunday, had this to say about them: ‘We just want a better future for own children. Having lots of young men sleeping rough in the town makes for a very unpleasant atmosphere. There is always a great deal of trouble at all times of the day and night.’


French far-right demonstrators gathered outside Calais town hall on Sunday to denounce an “invasion” of migrants seeking to reach Britain.

“Chuck them out,” read a banner strung along a metal barrier outside the building where speakers addressed the crowd of about 300 people. “We’ll never accept this riffraff,” said the leader of the Party of France, Thomas Joly.

The group Sauvons Calais (Let’s Save Calais) told supporters on its Facebook page that organisers had promised authorities that the rally would be peaceful and confined to the square. “We are nationalists and we intend to occupy the streets with order and discipline, not [like] the grubby leftists and illegals who defy French law,” it said.

In a show of support for the migrants, there was a friendly football match organised by welfare groups on a nearby pitch after police banned it in the town’s historic fortress.

Tensions boiled over last week when about 250 migrants tried to storm a cross-channel ferry.

The savages are calling their shanty town ‘White Africa’ as they say conditions there are as bad as in the lice-ridden hell-holes that they have just come from. What a surprise. Its like that because it has them there, no other reason.

Groups of migrants have attempted to board lorries bound for Dover by climbing over a perimeter fence around a lorry park, while one stowaway managed to hide inside a British woman’s car last week before being discovered in Kent.

Calais authorities are struggling to cope with the surge in migrants – mainly from the Horn of Africa and Syria – who number about 1,400, living in two camps around the town.

UK immigration minister James Brokenshire, writing in the Sunday Telegraph, said fences used at the Nato summit last week in Wales would be sent to Calais to replace the “inadequate fencing” to prove that Britain was “no soft touch”.