Daily Stormer
January 30, 2014

As Jewish degeneracy continues to eat away at our societies, we will see more and more stories like this. Luckily some parents are fighting back to prevent the teaching of “transgenderism” in the public schools, but this mild protest is not enough. We need the complete removal of Jewish ideas from our culture.
From the AFP:
Thousands of parents in France received a text message on their mobile telephones last week urging them to keep their children from school on Monday. The collective action was to protest against an alleged new development in French primary schools: the attempt to teach students that “they are not born as boys or girls, but can choose to become one or the other.”
The grassroots campaign opposing the teaching of “gender theory” in French schools asked parents to go further by taking their kids out of school one day every month. It recommended this be done with no prior warning to teachers.
The message also alerted parents that sexual education will invade kindergarten classes “with practical examples” when the new school year starts in September.
The impact of the message, also relayed on online social networks, was limited in scope but nonetheless significant. Around 100 primary schools – out of a total of 48,000 in France – reported absent pupils in relation to the boycott, according to the education ministry.