French Police Absolutely BTFO a Migrant Camp

Roy Batty
Daily Stormer
May 17, 2018

Jk. No, they decided to forcibly evict a hippy camp instead.

It seems that this almost one hundred percent White commune was a big threat to the authorities.


Police have started another operation to clear environmental activists from a wooded site in western France where a new airport was to have been built.

Police used tear gas at the Notre-Dames-des-Landes site against the activists, who built makeshift barricades.

Some responded by throwing petrol bombs.

More than 1,500 riot police were deployed for the eviction, which began at 06:00 (04:00 GMT).

In January the government scrapped the controversial project to build a new airport near the city of Nantes. An operation to remove the protesters last month resulted in violent clashes.

They’ve been at this for a month.

Now I know what you’re thinking: FUCK THESE TREE-HUGGERS.

But slow down there, big guy.

In Clownworld, the Whitest areas of your country and Whitest clubs, organizations and social movements are also the most left-wing and batshit crazy. 

Think of hipsters, the hippies’ urban cousins.

They are some of the most vocal liberal and anti-White voices out there within the White community.


Their bizarre clothing, strange behavior and irony-steeped lifestyle is complete anathema to non-Whites who just don’t get it. 

Same thing for hippies.

Their search for authenticity in other cultures confounds and baffles the members of less-civilized non-White cultures, who are more attracted to the ritz and glitz of Western-style materialism than the “authentic” tribal practices of their alcoholic uncle living in squalor in some rainforest.

Again, gotta recommend you give this bad boy a read.

So that means that hippies, even though they are openly pro-Brown people because they conflate brown people with being in touch with Gaia or whatever the fuck, end up attracting only other White people into their organizations.

So yeah.

Not so black and white anymore is it?

And I’m not even against hippies…per se. 

Stopping the removal of old growth forests and protesting big companies fouling up the environment are noble causes. Ones that I can get behind.

But I’m not going to become gay and pro-refugee to do that.

Conversely, I’m not going to Boomer-post about how the police was right to beat up a bunch of smelly hippies.

I take a tragicomic view of these types of situations because there is really no other way to honestly assess these events.

Everything is confused and thrown out of whack because our society isn’t healthy. 

On the one hand, I am for Tradition and honoring our ancestors. On the other hand, most of our immediate living elders are pieces of shit that I hope die painful deaths.

Similarly, I am for organized religion because it is a powerful tool to order society and without the religious impulse, our people flounder. On the other hand, almost every single Christian church is actively anti-White nowadays and needs to be completely destroyed.

And I am for environmental conservatism and curtailing the destruction of our green spaces. On the other hand, the people that actually stand up for the environment are my political enemies and race traitors because of their warped view of the world.

Anti-Abortion in theory, but pro-Abortion in practice because it keeps the feral brown devil spawn at bay…

I can cite another dozen examples. 

Clownworld, man.

Nothing makes sense. Everything is ass-backward. And the kikes are to blame.

So whenever anyone tries to tell me that I need to get behind one cause or another, I take a holistic view of the situation and analyze it on a case by case basis.

So my logic goes as follows:

Hippies…bad…police state…bad…destroying ancient forests…also bad…Moslems in Calais getting a pass…absolute heresy…

What’s a nationalist supposed to make of it all?