French Politician Whines About ‘Antisemitism’ in Home Country

Daily Stormer
December 15, 2013

lassalleFrench Member of Parliament Jean Lassalle played the part of a populist man of the people by going on a 3700 mile walking tour of his country.  During the journey he spoke with normal French people, supposedly in order to get a better feel for the thoughts and hardships of his constituents.

But as Lassalle’s walking tour comes to an end, rather than speaking frankly about the concerns of average citizens, he is accusing them of the awful thoughtcrimes of “antisemitism” and “racism”.

From the AFP:

“Everywhere I went I witnessed a crisis in the standard of living, a loss of identity and the loss of a sense of a common destiny,” Jean Lassalle, National Assembly member for the Pyrénées-Atlantiques region in southwest France, told Europe 1 radio.

And what he found was a France confused about its position in a shrinking world, an uncertainty as to the long-term effects of globalisation and a distrust for politicians who, people told him, “do not listen to us at all”.

“We live in a world that is changing out of all recognition,” he told Europe 1. “We [the government] have failed to find ways of explaining to the citizens of this country exactly what this change means.”

Worryingly, he also encountered “latent racism” almost everywhere, “even in the smallest villages”.

“This is racism that seems totally unashamed,” he told Le Monde on Friday. “It is a wholescale rejection of ‘the other’ and often expressed with excessive aggression.”

Lassalle told Le Monde that he was particularly worried about a return of “anti-Semitic rhetoric” that was particularly “linked to wealth”.