November 24, 2013

A French court imposed limitations on the publication of five books, citing anti-Semitic content.
The court in Bobigny near Paris last week handed down a blanket ban on the publication and dissemination of one book, “The Anthology of Quotes against Jews, Judaism and Zionism” by Paul-Eric Blanrue. All copies of the book must be withdrawn within one month, the Nov. 13 ruling said.
The court fined Kontre Kulture $10,795 for publishing the book, edited by Alain Soral, a French extreme-right activist who has made anti-Semitic statements in the past.
The court ordered the removal of passages from the remaining four books, which were also edited by Soral, including Henry Ford’s “The International Jew.”
Blanrue’s 321-page book contains “hundreds of anti-Semitic statements by well-known figures throughout the ages,” according to the news agency AFP. The court said it contained “incitement to racial hatred” and “denials of genocide,” which are illegal in France.
The fine imposed on the publishing house will be paid to LICRA, the France-based International League Against Racism and Anti-Semitism, which initiated the court case against Soral and the publishing firm.