Gottfried Sturmherr
Daily Stormer
December 31, 2018
Another extraordinary Jew passed away in an unfortunate case of old age. Not soon enough. And he leaves us with his smug face and a tale for the annals of the new religion called Holocaustianity.
Shameless as ever, Jews are using his death to once again promote the infinite suffering their devil-worshipping race never even experienced.
Georges Loinger used all his skill and cunning – and a large dash of chutzpah – to rescue Jewish children from deportation and near certain death during the second world war.
The French Resistance hero – who has died at the age of 108 – would set up ball games for children along the Swiss border in France. Having trained them to run like the wind, he would throw the ball over the border, telling them to chase after it – and then run for their lives.
In an interview published this year, Loinger said he had used the lightly-guarded border as a life-saving escape route during the earlier part of the war.
“I threw the ball 100 metres towards the Swiss border and told the children to run and get the ball. They ran after the ball and this is how they crossed,” he told Tablet magazine. “After that, the Italians left France and the German came in. It became too dangerous to play ball with the children like this. With the Germans we didn’t play these games.”
This faggot is so endemic of Jewish lies and exaggeration. If you google “farthest football throw” you are given an exceptional result of 79 yards, and this Jew right here is claiming he threw a ball 109 yards.
More important is the claim that those poor yid scoundrels were facing “near certain death” when even Jewdipedia tells you that 75% of French Jews totally survived WW2 and the evil German occupation. A more realistic number is over 90%, however.
Using this method, and a variety of other ruses, Loinger personally saved at least 350 children, for which he was awarded the Resistance Medal, the Military Cross and the Legion of Honour.
Honouring his life, chief executive of the Holocaust Educational Trust Karen Pollock said on Sunday that he was an “amazing” man. “Georges Loinger was a French Jewish resistance fighter who saved hundreds of Jewish children during WWII. He passed away yesterday at the age of 108. Hero. May his memory be a blessing,” she wrote on Twitter.
France’s Holocaust Memorial Foundation said Loinger died on Friday. It described him as an “exceptional man” and said his efforts would live on in their memories.
Born in Strasbourg to a Jewish family in 1910, Loingner was a talented athlete and cousin of the famous mime artist and fellow Resistance member Marcel Marceau. While serving with the French army, he was taken prisoner by German forces in 1940 and sent to a prisoner of war camp in Germany. But as a result of his blond hair and blue eyes his captors did not realise he was Jewish, and he managed to escape, return to France and join the Oeuvre de Secours aux Enfants, (OSE) a Jewish children’s aid society founded in St Petersburg in 1912.
Those damned Jewish aid societies. They are everywhere at all times subverting and scheming away. But one has to wonder, though, if the Nazis were really that determined in finding and killing Jews, why they didn’t bother checking enemy combatants more thoroughly?
Ah, nevermind, “only” 75% of French Jews survived the Second World War, the Germans were just too stupid to find them.
Also, lol at another prison break escape miracle story from a Jew.
When I initially read the title and the first few paragraphs of the story, I was thinking about how this “French man” helped turn his country into the Jewish occupied open air nigger and moslem run rape cage it is today.
I was going to show you how Paris looked during the German occupation.

Even throw in some colored pictures.
And then I was going to contrast them with contemporary visual recordings of Paris.
And then I was going to be like: “If you love being French and if you are proud of French culture, maybe you shouldn’t have saved these Jews.”
Him being Jewish, however, who can be surprised about it at this point?
Fortunately, the French people seem to have had enough of this shit and it appears as if they have correctly identified the one pulling the strings behind the curtain.
Bonne chance mes frères français!