French Senate Says UK Must be Made to Suffer for Brexit – Lady Le Pen Disagrees

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
February 17, 2017

Wow, fam.

Le Pen is really killing it lately.


The UK should not be better off outside the EU after Brexit, the French senate has warned, putting it at odds with right-wing presidential candidate Marine Le Pen, who says Britain should face no punishment for escaping the EU “prison.”

A 51-page document by the French senate, compiled following an eight-month inquiry, concluded that British industries should not have any special access to the EU single market.

The report also hits out at Prime Minister Theresa May for failing to adequately outline her demands for pulling the UK out of the bloc, saying her keynote Brexit speech at Lancaster House was a “mixture of veiled threats and pledges of goodwill.”

While suggesting the UK must not be allowed to cherry pick the benefits of the EU if it is unwilling to take on the responsibilities of membership, the report also said the City of London should no longer be at the center of euro currency trading after Brexit. That could affect 200,000 jobs.

…The senate’s stance stands in stark contrast with Front National presidential leader Le Pen, who said Brexit is a “powerful weapon” for her campaign and that Britain should not be condemned for its decision to withdraw from the EU.

The anti-immigration and anti-globalization leader also said she would take the opportunity to carve out a post-Brexit trade deal with the UK.

“What is the point in punishing a country? It is senseless, unless you think the EU is a prison, and you are condemned if you escape.

“I want to rebuild our damaged relations with the United Kingdom,” Le Pen told the Daily Telegraph.

I now believe there is a 65% chance Le Pen is going to win. That’s subject to adjustment, of course, but if you’re a betting man, I’d say your odds are a helluva lot better than the odds the betting houses are giving, due to the fake news polls.

She’s just been on fire lately, saying everything exactly as it needs to be said. She’s gone slightly soft on Frexit rhetoric, but hasn’t gone soft on the need for a Frexit referendum, meaning the softness is strategic, meant to side-step the whole “the world will collapse if we leave” rhetoric coming from the opposition.

She’s far, far, far from a perfect candidate, but she’s the only one we’ve got. And she is so much better now than she was a few months ago.

I wonder who could be behind this awesome new energy she’s found?