Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
November 16, 2015
France just won the CUCK NATION Grand Prize for getting straight cucked like a bitch.
At a rally in remembrance of their murdered dudes, killed by their racial enemy who they claim is not their racial enemy but a vague ideological threat, the French (and a few Arabs) began singing “oh happy days.”
Because even when you’re being slaughtered, it’s important to feel good. Feel great even. Just sing a happy song.
To their credit, there isn’t really any other option than escapism, assuming you have nixed the option of full-on race war. What else can you do, if you’re unable to say what is actually happening? The attack becomes a random event with no cause, so there is no way to address it.
Singing a happy song would make sense in the wake of a tragic act of God, such as a natural disaster. In that case, there is nothing to rage against, nothing to change in light of the happening, so it makes sense to come together and comfort each other. These French are responding to this as if it was a natural disaster.
But it isn’t a natural disaster. God didn’t do this. The racial enemy did it.
The response should be a declaration of open race war, which includes mass deportations and invasions of other countries, including Sweden, Belgium and Germany, which have made this possible by inviting these people into Europe, and harboring terrorists.

Bombing them in their own countries for revenge is nonsensical. Wanting revenge is a human thing, which is understandable, but revenge should be taken on the ones in Europe – the revenge should be removal, either on a plane, train or automobile or in a mass grave (if they resist removal).
That would be reasonable. That would be logical. That would be appropriate.
But none of these things are possible because we are ruled over by Jews and women.