Friday Poll: Hot Blond Girl Who Murdered Mother with ISIS BF Sentenced to Nine Years

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
January 29, 2016

Lisa Borch
Lisa Borch
The ISIS boyfriend
The ISIS boyfriend

Because Denmark allowed filthy Hajis into their base, one of them brainwashed a hot blond 16-year-old into the doctrine of ISIS and she killed her mother.

She has been sentenced to nine years in prison.

Daily Express:

Lisa Borch, aged 15 at the time of the murder, was sentenced to nine years behind bars after and she and her boyfriend Bakhtiar Mohammed Abdulla, 29, stabbed her mother Tina Römer Holtegaard at least 20 times.

The attack, at her family home in Kvissel, northern Denmark, in October 2014, came after Borch, now 16, had watched the killings of British hostages Alan Henning and David Haines online.

During the first trial in September, the court was told how Borch had become obsessed with radical Islam.

She fell in love with a Muslim man but that ended when he returned to Sweden to be with his wife and children.

The 16-year-old then began a relationship with Abdulla, who was born in Iraq, after meeting him at a refugee centre.

The pair carried out the killing while Mrs Holtegaard’s husband was away on a work trip.

I am not entirely sure how I feel about this. Part of me feels that this girl is a defective, and should have been executed. Part of me feels that she is just a dumb female, who had no idea what was going on, and was let down by the men in her life and the government that allowed these people in, and so should have been placed in some kind of reverse-brainwashing program.

Either way, nine years in prison seems like a stupid punishment.

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What do you guys think?
