From a Western Winter to a Western Spring

Max Musson
Western Spring
November 9, 2014

d13-06-25 Renwick War Memorial (2)
Renwick war memorial in Newcastle.

On the 28th July 1914 there began a ‘winter’ that has so far lasted 100 years. During World War One, European nations mobilised over 60 million men in a four-year conflict in which 15 million of them would be killed or lost in action (presumed dead) and a further 20 million would be seriously wounded. Furthermore, as if such a holocaust was not bad enough there followed twenty-five years later, the Second World War in which similar numbers of young servicemen and women died or were injured and there was a total of over 40 million civilian deaths. Then came the Korean War and several smaller conflicts before the 20th Century came to a close.

For the peoples of Europe, the last century has been the bloodiest period in our history and one from which demographically and genetically we may never recover. No nation, race or civilisation can afford to lose such vast numbers of its fittest, most courageous and energetic individuals in such a short period of time without placing at great risk its future existence and its future prosperity and wellbeing.

Modern warfare carried out with automatic firing ballistic weapons, with artillery and with aerial bombardment is dysgenic in a way that wars in earlier periods conducted with bladed weapons, bows and arrows never were and it is without a doubt true that during the 20thCentury we European nations lost the flower of our manhood.

In addition to the human loss was the incalculable economic loss. Waging war in the machine age means that vast quantities of materials and fuels are manufactured with the express purpose of destroying and consuming them in battle. When one adds to this the massive destruction of property, factories, buildings, crops, shipping, roads and railway systems, it is a wonder and a testament to our energy and inventiveness that we European nations have been able to recover let alone maintain our positions of pre-eminence within the world. The economic recovery from that great destruction however, has left us with massive debts and despite everything we have done to make good our losses, a train of events was set in motion that still threatens the eclipse of Western civilisation and usher in a new era in which non-White races will rival and threaten our continued pre-eminence.


In addition to the loss of life and vital energy though horrific fratricidal wars, we Europeans have been induced to console ourselves with material comforts rather than taking pride in the growing numerical strength of our nations.

Birth control, contraception, feminism and the promotion of homosexuality have all contributed to a stagnation in our numerical growth and in recent decades an overall reduction in our numbers, thus making way for non-White immigrants from the Third World to begin colonising our once exclusive homelands. Ironically the same homelands that we had until recently been slaughtering each other in order to retain, but rights of residency in which our governments are now happy to give away for nothing.

Elsewhere, throughout the world, burgeoning non-White populations have been migrating under pressure to fill the developing demographic vacuum in the West, flooding over unguarded borders in search of the benefits Eldorado and the opportunity to step into ‘dead men’s shoes’.

Thankfully however, we men of the West are not yet quite dead and as we approach the hour of ‘midnight’ a new consciousness appears to at last be taking hold among the remaining vigorous elements of our race.

Men and women are beginning to realise that life is good and that in order to live we need only choose life over death and learn to fight and organise ourselves once again.

And they have the cheek to say they were holocausted?

As the bloated corpses of the dying nations of old Europe and what was once called the New World, prostrate and decaying, continue to admit more and more of the invaders, and the ignorant among our peoples dance and party in preparation for that final rendition of Auld Lang Syne as the clock strikes twelve, we who have the capacity to see ahead, steel ourselves and make preparations ready for that moment of truth, when the lights dim and we step forward with flaming torches to announce the final demise of the old and herald the emergence of a new tribe of vigorous, racially conscious White people – independent, confident and determined.

We must at this time of remembrance, not look back with a sense of unbridled pride at what took place during the 20th Century, moving though the heroism of our fathers’ and grandfathers’ individual and collective accomplishments on the field of battle were, for this was a century of unmitigated folly for the White race in which Whiteman was pitted against Whiteman in a senseless mutual slaughter that served only the interests of our racial enemies.

Having been poised as we were at the turn of the 20th Century, at the brink of total world domination, we succumbed to a madness that had us turn in on ourselves and devour the fruit of centuries if not millennia of struggle in a frenzy of self-doubt and self-loathing and one-hundred years of winter has been our reward.

At this time of remembrance let us instead look back and draw inspiration from the horror that we feel at the fratricidal deaths and self-inflicted suffering of our recent past. Let us vow never to forget, never to let this happen again – and let us vow to harden our resolve and redouble our efforts, so that our New Tribe can emerge from the darkness that lies ahead and grow in strength, so that next time we will have the confidence and the will to drive on until our final victory is assured.

Western Winter, the demise of the old – Western Spring, the birth of the new.

It is always darkest before the light of dawn.