From Africa to Calais: A Tale of Bravery and Courage

Sven Longshanks
Daily Stormer
January 18, 2015

We are expected to welcome Mohammed Solebi into Britain because he risked his life to get there. That is rather like welcoming a burglar into your home because he risked his life to climbing up the ladder and breaking in through the window.

A cowardly Syrian deserter who has fled from his own homeland rather than defend it was one of the passengers on the ‘ghost ship’ full of illegal immigrants that was abandoned off the coast of Italy last week.

Instead of towing the ship back to Africa where it is almost certain to have come from, the Italian navy towed the vessel to Italy and now the Syrian shirker has made a beeline for Britain and is awaiting his chance to hijack a lorry at Calais.

According to the rules of the EU, any foreign criminals claiming asylum are supposed to stay within the first country they come to that accepts them.

The reason we live in the cold of northern Europe, was so that we could get away from these creatures. Where is it we are we supposed to move to now?

Daily Mail:

Mohammed was one of those who headed for the open Italian-French border on the Riviera, crossing by train to the seaside resort of Menton, a few miles into France.There is no border control between Ventimiglia and Menton on either the motorway or the coast road; merely a sign saying ‘France’. The train line leads to Nice, the Cote d’Azur region’s main city, with travel links to Paris and Northern Europe.

A few days ago, Mohammed was the first BlueSkyM migrant to reach Calais, where 2,500 desperate people from Syria, Iran, Iraq, Somalia and Sudan wait in the hope that they can smuggle themselves on ferries to begin a new life in Britain.

Mohammed, who arrived at Calais on a dawn train from Paris, told me: ‘I know England is a good, strong country because it once had an empire. I want to go there and become an Englishman.

Go back to Syria you damn cowards, you have families there and your country needs defending from enemy forces!

Rather than defending Europe from these obviously undesirable back-stabbing cowards who happily leave their families behind in their war-torn homelands, the European governments seem to be doing their best to encourage them.

When Mohammed arrived at Calais he was not arrested for breaking his asylum conditions and invading northern Europe, but was presented with a new 12 acre holiday-camp to stay in complete with free 3-course meals, while he prepares for his final assault on Britain.

It is sickening the way the media presents this freeloader as a poor innocent savage just looking for a better life, when every single one of them has shown themselves to not have the tiniest bit of loyalty to their own people, who desperately need their help back at home.

They are the very worst that their nations have to offer, traitors to their own kin and wanted criminals to their own governments. They are nothing but a scourge and a curse upon us all, they should not be given free housing and glowing write ups in the media, but should be fired upon the minute one of their plague-ships is first spotted in our waters.

However brutal it may sound, the sight of this should have been responded to with a torpedo, not a rescue vessel.