“Fuck France” Heard at “Anti-Racist” Demo in Paris

Diversity Macht Frei
March 20, 2017

“Nique la France!” “Fuck France!”. These are the words in the “song” being played at an “anti-racist” demonstration in Paris.

Marriage is in constant decline, eroding by 2% between 2014 and 2015. But some types of union are resisting this erosion a little better. For example, mixed marriages, between a French person and a person of foreign nationality, represent 14% of the marriages celebrated in France in 2015, according to an INSEE study published on Monday.

…If the marriages celebrated abroad which are transposed into French civil war are added, slightly more than one quarter (27%) of marriages including at least one person of French nationality in 2015 were mixed marriages.


From the purely territorial point of view, the area of the German Reich vanishes completely as compared with that of the so-called world powers. Let no one cite England as a proof to the contrary, for England in reality is merely the great capital of the British world empire which calls nearly a quarter of the earth’s surface its own. In addition, we must regard as giant states, first of all the American Union, then Russia and China. All are spatial formations having in part an area more than ten times greater than the present German Reich. And even France must be counted among these states. Not only that she complements her army to an ever-increasing degree from her enormous empire’s reservoir of colored humanity, but racially as well, she is making such great progress in negrification that we can actually speak of an African state arising on European soil. The colonial policy of present-day France cannot be compared with that of Germany in the past. If the development of France in the present style were to be continued for three hundred years, the last remnants of Frankish blood would be submerged in the developing European-African mulatto state. An immense self-contained area of settlement from the Rhine to the Congo, filled with a lower race gradually produced from continuous bastardization.

Mein Kampf, Adolf Hitler