Fuck Off, Bibi. We’re Not Doing This Thing. FUCK OFF, YOU KIKE.

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
May 1, 2018

I am so fucking pissed off right now you guys.

Right in the middle of this fucking border situation, with Tweedle-Dum Sessions apparently totally unable to stop these monkeys from walking across a bridge, then the King of the Kikes comes out with a powerpoint and tells us we’ve gotta go to war with Iran.

And Trump is like “OMG this power point Bibi wow, hm, oh noes.”

You can watch the presentation. If you want to watch it. That isn’t any of my fucking business if you want to watch that shit.

But this is what he says: “I have secret documents showing that Iran is lying and they are really building a nuclear weapon and so they must be stopped, we might go ahead and start bombing them, the world is required to help us.”

Basically, these kikes got backed against a wall:

  • They planned to take down Assad using Obama’s CIA war machine and their ISIS forces
  • Then Russia stepped in and restored stability in the country
  • At the same time, Iran moved in bigly because they had an excuse to because the country was overrun with Jewish-backed Sunnigger terrorists
  • Hillary was going to send the entire military in to fight Russia
  • Hillary lost
  • Trump has been extremely hesitant, under overwhelming pressure, to get involved
  • Trump finally bombed Damascus after this goofy ass YouTube water hose video
  • The bombing gave Russia an excuse to move massive new weapons into Syria
  • Trump said he’s not planning on doing anything else
  • Iran is building big ass military bases in Syria, while Russia is protecting them


Jews in a bad position.

Iran is the singular group of people that is actually planning to destroy Israel, for real, and now they’re all up on their border in a situation where Israel has very little ability to stop them because they entered under the (totally legit) premise of fighting Jew-backed ISIS lunatics.

So this thing Bibi is doing – this “we’ve got the documents” thing is a Hail Mary play to try to get the US war machine involved in this situation further.

Just listening to this song.

Niggers are so fucking dumb.

Getting pussy is better than revenge? What kinda beta ass nigger shit?

Otherwise though, the key question here is important: do you wanna ride or die? 

Editor's Note: If you listen to this old rap it is a lot better than the new rap, for sure. Tupac talked about doing drive-bys and killing people's kids. You don't hear Wiz Khalifa talking about killing anyone's kids. Even nigger rap has gone metrosexual. Nb4 nigger savage child-killers - yeah, okay, obviously. But if you're in a position where you're willing to kill someone's kids as revenge, you are automatically in a position of power, simply because of will to commit an abominable act. The Jews obviously understand that. They will shoot kids or just blow your fucking legs off with exploding sniper rounds. It is all shock and awe. The will to commit atrocities is in itself a form of extreme power that costs absolutely nothing. It's the same thing with the Paki rape gangs - like, we will pick up your little 11 and 12 year old girls up outside of school and drug and gang rape them, what are you going to do? This all amounts to a type of mega-bluff. Not a bluff that they will do it - of course they will do it - the bluff is the act itself, the idea that someone willing to commit an outrageous atrocity must have great power, or they wouldn't have the will to do it.

And that is the question for Trump, right now:

Are you ready to go full ride or die for the Jews and start a motherfucking war with Russia to protect the interests of this worthless group of disgusting parasites?

Because I’m ready for it.

I’m sick of waiting.

I want something to happen and if that happening is a World War with Russia, then let’s fucking go.

I am overwhelmed with boredom and rage, and there is no outlet for either.

Women are unbearable, video games are boring, I’m never going to be able to compete in a combat sport, season 2 of Westworld is going to have some retarded twist that doesn’t make any sense.

I am bored.

And the weakest, most pathetic people in the world have been put in control, and hold institutional power over the best people in the world.

Thanos was right.

We need to kick start something here, or it’s just a slow death of the highest life form this planet has created.

Female sexual selection as a policy in itself causes rapid devolution. But backing that up with all of this state-mandated social engineering – it’s devolution on steroids.

I am bored.

I am angry.

I do not wish to see the creative light that is the white man extinguished from the universe.

Thus: WWIII.

Go for it.

I wanna get an alert on on my phone that a major city with a population of millions has just been nuked.

That’s how bored I am.

That’s how angry I am.

And I’m not alone.

The spirit is willing and the body is ready.

Pull the fucking trigger, Donald.

Or don’t.

But do something.

I am bored, Mr. President.