Full Cucklapse: Thernovich Bans Baked Alaska from DeploraBall – Invites Kike MILO Instead!

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
December 27, 2016

The cuck/kike contingent of the Trump movement is cucklapsing/kikelapsing right before our very eyes!

Popular Alt-Right figure Baked Alaska has been banned from Mike Thernovich’s “Deploraball” event for talking about Jews.

Baked Alaska has 131k followers (very popular by tweet-scales) and is the inventor of the #TrumpCup.

The Deploraball is apparently an attempt at a sanitized, cuckolded, pro-Jew version of the NPI conference. It is scheduled at the National Press Club in DC on the 19th of January. Mike Thernovich was a key organizer. I’m pretty sure Baked Alaska actually was the lead organizer, but has now been somehow Jewed out of that position by Thernovich.

Among those scheduled to attend are Gavin McInnes and Lauren Southern – both of whom I have named alongside Thernovich and MILO as Alt-Light figures attempting to kike-over the Alt-Right by making it non-racist and accepting of Jews.

Banned are heroes such as Richard Spencer and Sam Hyde.

The event is listed as having been planned by MAGA3X, a company whose Twitter account which Baked Alaska controlled up until a few hours ago.

Those tweets were deleted during this s-s-s-shake-up!

So first, Baked Alaska had tweeted about the Jews.

I’m not sure how much he has or hasn’t done that in the past, but Thernovich was butthurt over it and sent BA messages telling him to stop talking about the Jews, or he would be shut down.


I have the documents.

Talk about the Jews, and you get shut down.

BA did a periscope on this situation. It’s long, and I didn’t listen to the whole thing, but from what I skimmed he’s basically saying the same thing I’ve said ever since these people like MILO showed up – that they are being sent in to stop people from talking about Jews.

But then here’s the interesting part.

All of the sudden, who’s on board?

The faggot kike, MILO.

So then what happened, asks ye?

BA dropped the dox on MILO’s invite to the party – he said he wouldn’t come unless he was the headliner.

After he dropped the dox on the kike, the kike messaged him with a weird threat to send a letter to his mother.

BA says he never signed any NDA (non-disclosure agreement), and it is kooky to suggest he would have signed an NDA for an email exchange inviting him to an event.

I am advising all of my readers to avoid DeploraBall and to boycott Mike Thernovich and all other kike-enablers.

The End, Ye Kikes

This is the end of the Alt-Cuck movement.

Basically, the election of Trump was the end of that, and then the actual end was Richard Spencer holding up that glass at NPI. This is like a corpse having its head smashed in.

There is just no conceivable purpose for a right-wing political movement that doesn’t talk about Jews in a post-Trump world. Somebody who doesn’t talk about the Jews is just a normal Republican. The Alt-Right was always a revolutionary movement. So these people are what, now that Trump is elected?

What purpose do Thernovich and MILO serve? Self-help books?

There is nothing to mainstream here. There is no brand that you can sell anymore.

There is just the revolution.

And the revolution doesn’t end until it’s finished.

Hail Victory.