Fuming Sheeny ADL Terrorists Demand Police Shut Down Factual Fliers

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
March 30, 2017

Jews are aware of the First Amendment in this country. But that awareness does not stop them from calling the cops when people say mean things about them.

In fact, they will call the cops and demand action if you simply describe some criminal act they are admittedly engaged in.


A shocking anti-Semitic flier circulating a Scottsdale neighborhood is being investigated by authorities, the Anti-Defamation League said.

The organization took to Twitter and said that they’re “disgusted” by the fliers that emerged Wednesday morning in a Scottsdale neighborhood near Cactus and Scottsdale roads.

I’m disgusted by the disgusting textspeak in their tweet.

Who uses “we r”? I mean, black twitter does that. But I’m aware of no other professional organization that does. Yes, there’s a character limit, but there’s an established way to deal with this – when you’re tweeting, the first person is assumed, so the pronoun is not necessary. That should read: “Disgusted by anti-Semitic flyers left in Scottsdale neighborhoods this morning. Reaching out to law enforcement.”

Come on, Jews.

The flier depicts a person spray painting a swastika on a wall along with “…Hey Rabbi…Whatcha doin’?!”

It also states “Teen in Israel linked to bomb threats against Jewish community centers. Threats in Tucson may be connected,” which is the headline of a Tucson Sentinel article written on March 23.

It then adds the question, “Why do Jews feel the need to create fake anti-Semitism hoaxes? Find out here: www.dailystormer.com.”

So, this is anti-Semitic hate now: reporting the news.

That is to say, the ADL is right here confirming that their definition of “anti-Semitism” is: “any piece of information, true or false, which may make Jews look bad.”

The sickening Jews then tweeted that they were happy that the POLICE were looking into the hate fliers that factually described an event they were involved in…!

Again using absolutely disgusting textspeak…!

Unfortunately for the rat kikes – and fortunate to America and the Constitution – the cops have said that it isn’t illegal to post fliers saying things Jews do.

In a statement to ABC15, a Scottsdale police spokesperson said the fliers pose no specific threat to the community.

“Though potentially disturbing to some residents, the content did not violate any criminal statutes,” the police spokesperson said. “The investigation is ongoing that this time.”

None of these fliers violate any criminal statutes.

You could literally do a “why we must exterminate the Jews” flier and it wouldn’t violate any criminal statutes.

This is the United States of America and we have a little thing call THE CONSTITUTION.

For more information about how it is totally legal to call for genocides of entire races or random murders of random members of a race, please see Brandenburg v. Ohio.

And I’m not even advocating fliers promoting genocide here. I’m just saying, we do have that protected right, and the fact that we have that right makes it all the more ridiculous that these delusional Jews waste police time by acting like it’s illegal to mention something that they did.

Best part of the report is the interview with the rabbi.

Rabbi Jeremy Schneider said the fliers were passed out in his neighborhood and around Temple Koi Ami.

“This is where we live; where our kids play in the front yard,” Schneider said.

He explained that is stomach turned when [he saw the] flier — but it was even more painful having a conversation with his kids.

“They’ll say to us, ‘Why do they hate us?’ ‘Why does somebody hate us?’ ‘What did we do?'” Schneider said. “And that really breaks my heart.”

Well rabbi, the flier doesn’t talk about hating you. It does talk about something that you did – fake a bunch of bomb hoax prank calls against yourselves in order to drum-up support for your political and social vendetta against the Alt-Right, Donald Trump and white people in general.

If people do hate you, it is probably because you do things like that. Not really a huge mystery. People tend to dislike being scammed, lied to, tricked, ripped-off and destroyed.

If you’re really concerned about people liking you, you should probably stop doing those things.

The article goes on to mention other recent “anti-Semitic attacks.”

However, the offensive fliers come just days after Pinnacle High School in Phoenix was vandalized with racist phrases such as “white supremacy,” “white power” and swastika symbols.

The graffiti was first discovered Saturday morning, and an ADL spokesperson called the incident deeply disturbing and “appalling.”

So far no arrests have been made in connection to that incident either.

Sort of funny to mention swastika graffiti in an article about a flier that showed a Jew doing swastika graffiti.

And no, there are usually never any arrests in such cases.

There was an arrest in a swastika spray-paint case in New York last week though.

It’s pretty much always Jews.

The video report (at the top there) shows an example of the Arizona vandalism, and one of the swastikas is backward.

Jews tend to screwup swastikas in a way an actual Nazis never would. But who knows – maybe it was just normal Buddhist graffiti.

Another case…

Another high-profile incident happened in Chandler last year when a menorah display was contorted into a swastika in a family’s front yard.

Yeah, there was an arrest in that case that the article doesn’t mention.

“Clive Jamar Wilson.”

I think he’s not from the Daily Stormer.

This perfectly illustrates one of my most important arguments: that Jews constantly try to equate speech with violence and other crime.

These Jews reported a flier to the police, then this local news article mentioned vandalism as being related to the flier.

An outraged ABC15 Arizona newsreportess, Megan Thompson, demands whoever put up this flier come forward immediately, admit to what they’ve done and “give her the dick.”

The fact is, none of us are doing anything illegal. No one does anything illegal. And that is the problem the Jews have with us. If we’re not doing anything illegal, there is no “in” for them.

Keep the Fliers Coming!

Great work to whichever of you lads did this one. I can tell it was an especially intelligent Stormer – putting the news headline on the flier was brilliant. I wouldn’t have thought of that. Or rather, I like to think it’s the type of thing I would have thought of.

Forcing them to say “this flier of a news headline about a Jewish act is hate speech” is glorious.

I would like to see more fliers relating to #Hoaxgate. Anything to force the media to report on this is good. They are trying to bury it.

Remember: putting up fliers is not illegal and you cannot be arrested for it. Just use tape where appropriate, staples where appropriate (never glue or paste of any kind) and don’t trespass on private property. University campuses are fair game, and the public is allowed in most areas on most campuses.

Another legal note that may or may not be an issue: I wouldn’t put them up too close to a synagogue or Jewish center. They could try to say that you were doing it to “intimidate” the Jews, and this could end up being a hassle if they do hunt you down. I am 99.999% certain you wouldn’t be convicted of anything (THOUGH I AM NOT A LAWYER AND THIS IS NOT LEGAL ADVICE), but it could cause the cops to come looking for you, talk to you, maybe get your name in a local paper.

Barring that, the cops aren’t even going to look for you, let alone come talk to you. They will do what the cops did here in AZ – tell the Jews no crime was committed by someone posting a flier.

I think it would be relatively easy to prove that these Jews know the First Amendment exists, and so are purposefully wasting police time by posting these fliers. They should be charged.