Fury as BBC Chairman Refuses to Answer Parliament’s Questions About Euro-Bias

Daily Mail
December 7, 2013

The Jew John Bercow furiously insisted that no one should consider themselves above parliamentary inspection.
The Jew John Bercow furiously insisted that no one should consider themselves above parliamentary inspection.

John Bercow has criticised BBC chairman Lord Patten for refusing to be grilled by MPs about the broadcaster’s coverage of Europe.

The Commons Speaker insisted no one should consider themselves above parliamentary inspection, as he attacked Lord Patten’s refusal to answer questions from the European Scrutiny Committee.

MPs are furious that the Tory peer – and former European Commissioner – has three times turned down their request to discuss the subject of bias in the BBC’s coverage of the EU. Because he is a peer, Lord Patten cannot be forced to attend.

BBC Trust chairman Lord Patten has turned down parliaments requests three times now.
BBC Trust chairman Lord Patten has turned down parliaments requests three times now.

Labour MP Kate Hoey called for a debate on how Parliament could ensure Lord Patten is ‘not abusing his position as a Lord to avoid appearing before the committee’.

Mr Bercow waded in, saying: ‘Anybody who’s invited to appear before a committee of this House should do so. No one, however senior, should imagine him or herself above such scrutiny.’

Lord Patten, who earns £110,000 ‘base’ salary for a three to four day week, told MPs he would not discuss editorial decisions with them because this ‘is not consistent with the ideal of an independent Trust protecting the BBC from undue political interference’.

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