Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
April 12, 2014
George Galloway is a liberal whackjob, but he gets it sort of right sometimes.
From Israel National News:
British MP George Galloway, who is known for his hatred towards Israel and his backing of the Hamas terrorist group, has come up with an interesting theory regarding the unrest in Ukraine.
According to Galloway, “the Zionists” engineered the situation in Ukraine in order to bring “the Nazis” to power and have the Ukrainian Jews “settle in Palestine”.
Galloway’s comments were made several weeks ago during his show on the state-owned Iranian Press TV. They were posted by the Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI).
“The Zionists sent gunmen to the Maidan in Kiev to help a revolution, the cutting-edge and heavy lifting of which, was being done by actually outright Nazi anti-Semites,” Galloway claimed.
“The bizarre alliance in the Maidan between former Israeli army officers [is] the most ugly alliance you can possibly imagine. [This] is part of the thinking of this… Well, if these Nazis come to power in Kiev, and they hate Jews so much, the remaining Ukrainian Jews will feel that they have to go and settle in Palestine,” he continued.
He didn’t get it very right this time. Though the Jews ran the operation, as he says, it didn’t have anything to do with Israel and the alleged Nazis were never threatening Jews.
It was a Jewish take-over, period. These “anti-Zionist” liberals have an obsession with tying all Jewish behavior back to Israel, when the reality is that Israel is merely a base for international Jewish criminal operations, rather than their focal point.