Game of Cucks: Irish Actor Calls for More Islamic Good Boys

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
October 8, 2016

This guy has been working hard on making expensive, crappy TV shows and doesn’t have time to satisfy his wife.

Somebody’s gotta do it.

ACTOR LIAM CUNNINGHAM has called for Ireland to do more to help the millions displaced by the war in Syria, saying our record to date has been “shameful”.

“Not so long ago when there was a famine in this country, there was a million and a half refugees from this place and if America had treated us the way we are treating the Syrians, where would we be now?

Ireland has pledged to take in 4,000 people under an EU resettlement programme, but so far only a fraction of that number have arrived.

Cunningham, who is best known for his role in Game of Thrones, compared Ireland’s record responding to the Civil War in Syria with that of Lebanon in particular.