You know, some people say you have to be an utterly low-self esteem faggot to get tribal tattoos up your neck – like I mean you have to have seriously clinical daddy issues – but I think the fedora really offsets that image of total personal insecurity.
The monumental nature of the National Youth Front’s war against the anti-White terrorists at Arizona State University cannot be overstated. They have literally taken down an enemy through strategic activism. The victory is not only a defeat of a disgusting enemy, but also highly symbolic in nature, proof that these people have gone too far and the tides are finally turning.
This week Talking Points Memo put up an article about Poe, wherein they did an interview with him about the struggles he faces as a Marxist in the Nazi-controlled American university system.
It begins:
Robert Poe’s students at Arizona State University frantically contacted him last month to ask why he was no longer listed as an instructor on their class lists.
“Hey, what’s going on?” “Are you still teaching the class?” “We didn’t know whether somebody else would come in Tuesday of next week, we don’t know what’s going on with the class,” they asked him.
The students were given no notice, but Poe knew full well what was happening: ASU was trying to scrub away any public trace of his current position as a teacher.
Poe, who is a faculty associate and a PhD student at the university, had been drawn into the white freakout over a course the school was offering on “the problem of whiteness” in mid-February. Poe held an informal debate about the course, called a “teach-in,” that prompted white nationalist groups to launch email campaigns against him and the university.
Poe told TPM recently that he believes the university is aligning itself with those white nationalist groups by choosing to stay silent about those activists’ meddling on campus. Instead of coming to his defense, Poe said ASU’s administration has scrubbed his status as a teacher from the Internet and made overtures that it wanted him fired altogether.
Wow, that is a completely insane conspiracy theory, Mr. Poe. You are actually literally arguing that Arizona State University’s administration are Nazi sympathizers? Because they are punishing you for literally advocating violence intended to silence political activists?
Because if you’ll remember, your exact words were:
I advocate violence against racists who choose to politically mobilize
That statement couldn’t really be any more clear. But just to make it a bit more clear, let’s see what would happen if you changed the word “racist” to people who hold some other ideology.
I advocate violence against Christians who choose to politically mobilize
I advocate violence against atheists who choose to politically mobilize
I advocate violence against civil rights activists who choose to politically mobilize
I advocate violence against feminists who choose to politically mobilize
I advocate violence against scientologists who choose to politically mobilize
I advocate violence against bronies who choose to politically mobilize
See what I did there, Robert, you limp-wristed tattoo faggot?
You cannot then claim that you meant “self-defense,” because “politically mobilizing” is not a violent act, it is a peaceful act of using political organization to promote your values and beliefs. What you were saying is that you support acts of violence against people who promote ideas you don’t like, and that type of violence is called “terrorism.”
What you said was “I advocate terrorism against people who disagree with my value system.”
You faggots! Grow a pair of balls! Everything your ancestors built is being destroyed, and you actually have the energy to go out and celebrate it???Hail John Hess, defender of the White race!
TPM continues:
As complaints flooded in about the video, Poe said any information indicating that he’s teaching a course this semester was scrubbed from his faculty profile. The page currently lists a fall 2014 class called “Principles of Justice Studies” as the last course that Poe taught.
Poe said ASU even went as far as to remove his name from his current students’ class lists.
“They started contacting me being like, ‘Hey, what’s going on? Are you still teaching the class?’” Poe recalled.
“So I was the one who had to sit down in class, and I even had my students watch the video that [the administration is] upset about,” he added. “My students were just like, ‘You say clearly in the video that those are your personal politics and this isn’t something you’re doing in the classroom.’”
Poe told TPM that leadership in ASU’s School of Social Transformation, where he is enrolled as a doctoral student, lobbied for him to keep his teaching job when university administration attempted to fire him. Poe described removing any public record of him teaching during the spring semester as a “compromise.”
“I don’t think that they’re worried about an ASU student speaking out,” he said. “But they are worried about an ASU faculty member speaking out.”
The guy just cannot believe he isn’t allowed to advocate terrorism on a school campus. The only solution he can come up with is that it is a massive neo-Nazi conspiracy. What a childlike way to think.
TPM then addresses the protest Poe staged against the school for firing or semi-firing him, where John Hess and others came to counter-protest the homo.
“I am definitely proud to count myself among the people who resist violent racism that’s backed up by the state in this country,” Poe said. “So you can go through the long history of rebellions, whether its slave rebellions, whether it’s the riots in the 1960s against racist fucking cops. … Yeah, I fucking advocate violence against pieces of shit like you that advocate and celebrate that rich history.”
“Yeah, I’m a proud supporter of violent self-defense,” he continued. “I’ll fucking say it to the ASU administration who wants to fire me too. You know what? The other thing too, after all those fucking threats, I’m standing right fucking here.”
Poe told TPM he “absolutely” stands by those remarks.
“The way that the National Youth Front argues it, they want to say, ‘Well, he’s committing violence against whites,'” Poe said. “The statement was very clear, it’s just that they don’t want to catch the nuance in it, which is racists who politically organize.”
There’s where he attempts to reframe it, mixing the idea that White people simply saying “well, we are a group which should have rights” (merely getting together and saying that would qualify as “political mobilization”) is a form of violence in itself while trying to distort the fact that he advocated aggressive violent attacks on political activists he disagrees with.
I have not seen NYF trying to avoid the nuance of what he said – advocating violence against White activists is advocating violence against Whites. No one is making the claim he is advocating random acts of violence against random White people, because that isn’t what he said and we are not stupid.
This cannot be any clearer, and I am not sure if Poe is simply stupid or if he is just trying to confuse the issue: NYF itself is a racist organization which has mobilized politically, so they would be an acceptable target of violence in Poe’s worldview. They are peaceful people who simply engage in peaceful political activism, and Poe has said they should be violently attacked for doing so.
This is not vague or nuanced.
Poe also told TPM he’d been threatened.
Poe said that he’s gotten about two dozen emails, too, which he described as “a mixed variety of threats and attempting to engage me in some sort of conversation about things.”
But he said he doesn’t fear for his safety.
“Even though I’m mindful of my personal security, it was more that I didn’t want to have to worry about the ASU administration at the same time,” he said.
Let’s see those threatening emails, faggot. We have your threats on video.
But you’re right not be be worried about your safety, because unlike your stupid Negro-worshipping cult of limp-wristed Jew-Marxism, we have high enough testosterone we don’t feel like we need to run around like a bunch of frantic retards gang-attacking people like antifa pussies do.
The bottom line to all of this is that Anarchists and other brands of SJWs (they are all the same) are always inherently violent because their ideology will only be accepted by the masses if it is forced on them through violence.
This is the same reason that his same cult of liberal anti-racist progressivism has to have complete control of the media – because if our ideas were allowed to be voiced, we would crush the mainstream narrative.
The Level of Sheer Retardation
I just want to reiterate how stupid it is that Poe is literally claiming there is a Neo-Nazi conspiracy within the administration of ASU. These SJWs want to feel like they are fighting against some evil empire, even while their entire belief system is virtually indistinguishable from that of Barrack Obama, the international Jew media, the United Nations and all of the rest of the entire Western establishment.
Don’t Jew me, bro! I’m just trying to fight for the right of my race and culture to have their own geographical area to exist on!
But they can’t even admit that to themselves, as it would show just what completely gay losers they are – that they are literally fighting for the system while trying to keep up this image of 1960s Jewish radicals taking on the patriarchy. This speaks to the larger collapse of Jew liberalism, which is driven by the concept of liberation – they’ve gotten to the point where there is nothing left to liberate, and there is going to be a point when everyone looks at this antifa faggots and is just like “so, you guys are like the Jewish Police, just going around silencing anyone who disagrees with the government.”
The New Model of Resistance
The National Youth Front has created a new model of resistance, which should be followed. We need organized political protests of these people who are against us. John Hess already demonstrated that it is child’s play to get them to advocate terrorism on campus. And this has been getting huge amounts of press.
The avenues exist for us to begin a real movement, and I can vouch for the genuineness of John Gage. If you are young and angry, do something with that energy beyond internet circle-jerking. Sign up for NYF and they will get you together with activists in your area – along with engaging the Jews, you will get a sense of community in real life, and interesting real life experiences. You might even meet some chicks.