Game Over, Bro: The Fall of Marxist Terrorist Robert Poe

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
March 15, 2015

You know, some people say you have to be an utterly low-self esteem faggot to get tribal tattoos up your neck, but I think the fedora really offsets that.
You know, some people say you have to be an utterly low-self esteem faggot to get tribal tattoos up your neck – like I mean you have to have seriously clinical daddy issues – but I think the fedora really offsets that image of total personal insecurity.

The monumental nature of the National Youth Front’s war against the anti-White terrorists at Arizona State University cannot be overstated.  They have literally taken down an enemy through strategic activism.  The victory is not only a defeat of a disgusting enemy, but also highly symbolic in nature, proof that these people have gone too far and the tides are finally turning.

This week Talking Points Memo put up an article about Poe, wherein they did an interview with him about the struggles he faces as a Marxist in the Nazi-controlled American university system.

It begins: