GAME OVER, SLUT: We’re Outlawing Abortion Now

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
June 28, 2018

The eternal ride of the forever cock machine is over. 

This is the end, you filthy sluts, the end.

We’re banning abortion.

So you can go ahead and fuck 12 guys every night like you usually do, but when you don’t even know any of their first names and you pop up with one of these suckers:

You’re gonna have a problem.

And by problem, I mean a child.

Which isn’t a problem for me.

But I think for you, it is going to mean you are going to have to change the way you live your life.

Kennedy quit, sluts.

We’re putting Judge Dredd on the Supreme Court.

Washington Examiner:

The Supreme Court was about to overturn Roe v. Wade, until Justice Anthony Kennedy got cold feet.

In 1992, Chief Justice William Rehnquist was in his chambers writing the majority decision in Planned Parenthood v. Casey, a case that would have overturned legalized abortion. Unbeknownst to him, that’s when Kennedy got a note from the then-Justice Harry Blackmun.

”Dear Harry,” Blackmun wrote Kennedy in a little note. ”I need to see you as soon as you have a few free moments. I want to tell you about some developments in Planned Parenthood v. Casey, and at least part of what I say should come as welcome news.”

Kennedy had planned to join the majority that Rehnquist was currently writing. But in Blackmun’s chambers in the spring of 1992, the guardian of Roe convinced Kennedy, the Reagan nominee, to do otherwise.

Kennedy flipped his vote to join with Justices Sandra Day O’Connor, David Souter, John Stevens, and Blackmun to make up the majority. Those three justices, all but two appointed by Republican presidents, preserved abortion’s legality.

While the drama behind the decision wasn’t revealed until Blackmun turned over his papers to the Library of Congress in 2004, Kennedy immediately solidified his reputation as a swing vote.

This piece of shit basically created modern feminism in 1992 by refusing to ban the whore escape hatch.

He’s out.

Dredd is in.

Lemme just let my friend Willie Nelson take it from here.

nb4 “muh niggers have more abortions” – they’re still going to have their illegal clinics in their shitty neighborhoods run by pajeets. Cops don’t even enter black neighborhoods to investigate multiple homicide anymore. And the very worst type of white women will probably visit those.

But the overwhelming majority of these stupid whores are going to have to start making very, very different decisions with the number and types of dicks they ram inside their holes.

And It Isn’t Just the Sluts

Everyone’s party is over.

Death is at the old kike wench’s door.

These kikes and women and coloreds have no idea the kind of hell that is going to come down on their heads in the near future.

Old Jew Bernie just about had a heart attack, football fan style.

We’re talking about a 25 year reich here of faggots, whores, black people – everyone just getting told to shut their filthy fucking mouths and do what they are told by WHITE MEN.

So here’s the deal. 

I want another non-Catholic like Gorsuch (although Gorsuch actually was a half Irish former Catholic). Because the Catholic-Jew alliance IS REAL.

Look at O’Colbert, O’Fallon and O’Brien shilling hard for the KIKES against the GERMAN-SCOTTISH PROTESTANT GOD EMPEROR the other night.

But I would theoretically be good with Rudy G.

Although I have been pushing him for AG. Plus he’s in the middle of something right now.

He’s also too old.

This is a lifetime appointment.

We want a guy who’s like, 35.

Most of the Republicans are talking about Mike Lee or Ted Cruz – I would prefer the former and the latter is promoting the former (because he still harbors delusions of being President).

He is, however, MORMON.

Ted Cruz’ evangelical gobbledygook is worse than Mormonism.

I’m just hating on all the religions, aren’t I?

Ultimately, it doesn’t really matter.

There are some hardcore right-wing nationalist O’Catholics, who have done a lot for America.

Sometimes they have drunken breakdowns, of course.

Mormons are good people IRL too, but in politics, they’ve been very weird.

Definitely the ex-Catholic Cuban Ted Cruz has the weirdest shit tho.

He’s in some weird cult with his dad (who killed President Kennedy btw) that believes in bringing about the End Times somehow.

But the SCOTUS doesn’t rule on foreign policy, so whatever. He’d ban sluts, legalize freedom, support free speech, etc.

It isn’t really complicated. Either the Constitution is a legal document or it is a “living document” (no one knows what that means). You just get someone who believes it’s a legal document and it’s fine.