Gas Hoax: Lavrov Says Point Blank “This was Staged”

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
April 13, 2018

Everyone knows it’s staged.

No single adult individual who is paying any attention to this at all can believe the story that the West is trying to sell.

And Russia was sounding the alarm in mid-March that Western forces in Syria were planning to stage this exact fake chemical attack in the same neighborhood.


Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov has said a reported chemical attack in Syria was staged by foreign agents.

The US and France say they have proof it took place and, alongside the UK, are considering military retaliation.

Russia, which has military forces deployed in Syria in support of the government, has warned that Western air strikes risk starting a war.

The UN’s secretary general has said the Middle East is “in chaos” and the Cold War is “back with a vengeance”.

Antonio Guterres was speaking to a special meeting of the UN Security Council, called by Russia.

He urged countries to “act responsibly in these dangerous circumstances”.

A delegation from the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) will arrive in Syria’s Eastern Ghouta region on Saturday. Few details are expected to be released about the movements of the chemical weapons inspectors, for safety reasons.

During a press briefing on Friday, Mr Lavrov said he had “irrefutable evidence” that the attack was staged as part of a “Russophobic campaign” led by one country, which he did not name.

Gonna go with “What is Israel?” for 500, Alex.

That’s the only country Russia dances around and won’t name outright. I guess just to avoid the anti-Semitism label. And probably because there are so many powerful Jews in Russia.

This who thing is like a Down Syndrome circus, where Russia are the non-Downsy humans in the room but have to continually pretend like they don’t know everyone else has teh Downs.

Along with saying it at the UN, the Russians did their own conference about the hoax, where they explain it’s yet more crisis acting.

Russian MoD holds briefing on situation in Syria

Russian MoD holds briefing on situation in SyriaFeed via Ruptly

Gepostet von RT am Freitag, 13. April 2018

They said there was a normal bombing (Syria is dropping normal bombs on the area because it’s a terrorist enclave), and people had inhaled smoke. Then in the midst of that, the White Helmets showed up and started yelling about chemical weapons and sprayed people with hoses and filmed it. They’ve got interviews with some of the people involved in the filming of the hoax footage.

I’ve talked to several medical professionals about the footage that’s been released, and no one thinks it makes any sense that they were dealing with chemical weapons.

You have to wear protective gear, bud. Unless you’re just giving that baby oxygen because it inhaled smoke.


The Russian Defense Ministry has presented what it says is proof that the reported chemical weapons attack in Syria was staged. It also accused the British government of pressuring the perpetrators to speed up the “provocation.”

During a briefing on Friday, the ministry showed interviews with two people, who, it said, are medical professionals working in the only hospital operating in Douma, a town near the Syrian capital, Damascus.

In the interviews released to the media, the two men reported how footage was shot of people dousing each other with water and treating children, which was claimed to show the aftermath of the April 7 chemical weapons attack. The patients shown in the video suffered from smoke poisoning and the water was poured on them by their relatives after a false claim that chemical weapons were used, the ministry said.

“Please, notice. These people do not hide their names. These are not some faceless claims on the social media by anonymous activists. They took part in taking that footage,” said ministry spokesman Major-General Igor Konashenkov.

“The Russian Defense Ministry also has evidence that Britain had a direct involvement in arranging this provocation in Eastern Ghouta,” the general added, referring to the neighborhood of which Douma is part. “We know for certain that between April 3 and April 6 the so-called White Helmets were seriously pressured from London to speed up the provocation that they were preparing.”

Well, yeah – the UK wanted it sped up because that stupid Skripal hoax collapsed.

So they’re like “yo quick we need a new hoax – call those doods in Syria and tell them to film themselves spraying children with water hoses.”

One of the interviews published by the ministry showed a man who said his name was Halil Ajij, and who said he was a medical student working at Douma’s only operational hospital. This is how he described the origin of the footage:

“On April 8, a bomb hit a building. The upper floors were damaged and a fire broke at the lower floors. Victims of that bombing were brought to us. People from the upper floors had smoke poisoning. We treated them, based on their suffocation.”

Ajij said that a man unknown to him came and said there was a chemical attack and panic ensued. “Relatives of the victims started dousing each other with water. Other people, who didn’t seem to have medical training, started administering anti-asthma medicine to children. We didn’t see any patient with symptoms of a chemical weapons poisoning,” he said.

Yeah, so. That all makes sense.

Meanwhile, the West has nothing.

The only alleged proof that Nikki Haley claims to have is urine samples from those who were gassed which prove they were gassed.

And she hasn’t even said that publicly, that is just “reports.” How the hell did she get urine samples from these people? The whole thing is, no one is allowed in this area, apparently, which is why they can’t even prove that it happened at all – put they’re sending out bags of urine?

If they can get bags of urine out, why don’t they just get one of the people in the video out, bring him to Europe and have him tested independently to see if he was chlorine gassed?

Also just want to say again that despite the fact I think it is important to show that this gassing was a staged hoax, even if it was real it doesn’t have anything to do with the US and I don’t care if it happened.

This is all just goofy and dumb and I hate it.