Gates of Hell to Open Tomorrow?

Johannes Climacus
Daily Stormer
September 22, 2015

9 23 15

These numbers have been found hidden in many films and movies; they pick out tomorrow’s date, September 23 2015.

Supposedly, a big event has been scheduled for tomorrow. There is disagreement as to its exact nature. Some say that there will be a meteorite or comet hitting the Atlantic. Some hint at a connection with Children of the Corn. The majority of predictions have something to do with CERN, the particle collider in Geneva, Switzerland.

The last thing you wanted to happen... is happening first.
The last thing you wanted to happen… is happening first.

The details vary. Whether scientists are trying to open up a dimensional gate (stargate) to another universe, or to the planet Saturn, or the Bottomless Pit, whether something from our world will be sent there (a minority view) or whether something from There will come Here, such as Cernunnos the Horned God (whose name includes “cern”), Lucifer, Palmer Eldritch, or something else, is disputed.

It seems likely that whatever the Event is it will not be immediately catastrophic. If all life was extinguished tomorrow then nobody would be around for the Blood Supermoon Eclipse next week, which would be a waste of a lot of prophetic effort. Probably the two are connected, in which case the next five days may be very exciting.

There is no way to prepare except to relax into it.

Try to enjoy yourself.