Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
September 4, 2014

Gavin McInnes is going full-force against the system. Obviously, he’s taking the long way around, but appears to be getting progressively more hardcore, presumably because like the rest of us, he just can’t take it anymore.
Recently, the Vice magazine co-founder wrote a piece criticizing the promotion of the mental illness of transsexualism and societies decision to embrace this mental illness and encourage confused men to cut off their own genitals. He was, of course, fired from his job for this breech of PC etiquette.
The Daily Caller did a pretty good interview with him:
“It’s a real quandary people who write have to face right now,” McInnes told The Daily Caller. “Am I going to speak freely or am I going to hide?”
McInnes was recently placed on “indefinite hiatus” from his top creative post at New York-based Rooster ad agency, which he founded, after publishing an article on the writer’s forum Thought Catalog entitled “Transphobia Is Perfectly Natural.”
McInnes explained to TheDC how he feels that progressive celebration of transsexual culture – including online commenters pretending to be transsexual – only confuses the thought process of questioning teens. A thought process, McInnes noted, already complicated by the online slogan “Die cis scum” (“Cis” refers to a person who is not transsexual.)
“Of course it’s fucking unusual. We’re all transphobic. We aren’t blind. We see there are no old trannies. They die of drug overdoses and suicide way before they’re 40 and nobody notices because nobody knows them,” McInnes wrote in the piece. “By pretending this is all perfectly sane, you are enabling these poor bastards to mutilate themselves.”
If you’re looking for the text of that article, it’s a challenge. In Orwellian fashion, the link is now replaced on Thought Catalog’s website with a black screen and white type: ”The article you are trying to read has been reported by the community as hateful or abusive content,” with a tiny “Continue” link toward the bottom that guides readers to the original piece. But you can still find liberal outlets celebrating McInnes’ censoring and firing. Said the Huffington Post: “It looks like Gavin McInnes’ actions have finally caught up with him.”
“It starts with a sea of insults on Twitter,” McInnes said, outlining the anatomy of a social-media PC firestorm. “Then your co-workers going Dude what’s the matter? Then it’s on a million blogs. Then it actually makes it into an actual newspaper. You see people on the street and you know they haven’t found out about it. It’s just these psychotic teens on Adderall.”
“They want a Hitler so bad. All I was saying was transsexuals have a huge suicide rate,” McInnes said before adopting the role of his opponents. “Gay people not killing themselves? That’s what the piece was about? Oh, fuck. Can’t you please hate one?”
“It’s just a culture of psychotic harassment,” he continued. “It’s fake hysteria. It’s not that dissimilar from the mob.”
I inquired as to the PC outrage machine’s origins: is it a political weapon? A symptom of a dumbed-down culture filled with daytime TV hosts selling victimization and spreading over-sensitivity? McInnes said that it’s generational.
“It’s that college education has been ruined. If we lower the standards anybody can go. These colleges make up a class called Philosophy of Love. They’re actually dumber when they come out than when they went in. So you have these shrill college graduates 60 grand in debt and they’re terrified.”
McInnes is a respected hipster, and I believe the end-game of hipsterism is total fascism.
I get the impression this guy is absolutely as hardcore as we are, and he’s just biding his time. I support his decision to time-bide – we need to come at the social-engineering disaster foisted upon us by Jews from every possible angle.