Gay Bastard Cooper Happy to Hear His Relative Beaten to Death by a Negro, Says He Deserved It

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
December 16, 2014

Here, the AIDS-ridden weirdo Anderson Cooper appears on a PBS show about tracing ancestry, and is told one of his ancestors was beaten to death with a piece of farm-equipment by a Negro.

He says “That’s amazing.”

The Negro host – who appears to be looking around the room for farm equipment to defend himself with if the fag-boy gets uppity – then asks Cooper “do you think he deserved it?”

Cooper answers “I have no doubt.” He then says it is “awesome.” Seriously, he says that. Watch the clip, I’m not even joking. The scumbag then demonstrates his high moral character, which he gained through years upon years of masturbating in other men’s anuses, and says he actually feels bad for the man who murdered his ancestor.

What he should have done is lashed out at the Negro presenter, saying “this is for grandpa Jim, you tubby monkey-faced bastard!”