Daily Slave
December 18, 2014

For the first time ever fags will be allowed to march in Boston’s Saint Patrick’s Day parade. This cultural vibrancy is too much to handle. Isn’t it great that we as Americans celebrate men who like to engage in unmentionable acts with one another?
I don’t think America would be able to function if we stopped celebrating such things.
For the first time in its history, the sponsors of Boston’s St. Patrick’s Day parade will allow a group representing the gay community to participate, drawing cheers from Mayor Martin Walsh, who boycotted the event last year over the exclusion.
The South Boston Allied War Veterans Council, which has long resisted the inclusion of gay groups and won a U.S. Supreme Court decision in 1995 upholding their right to ban them from the annual parade that draws hundreds of thousands of spectators, voted 5-4 on Monday night to allow the group OutVets to march in the parade scheduled for March 15.
They will be allowed to carry a blue banner with five white stars representing the branches of the military and six vertical rainbow stripes. The group represents lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender veterans and participated in the city’s Veterans Day parade last month.
“Mayor Walsh has been advocating for an inclusive parade for quite some time,” spokeswoman Kate Norton said in a statement Tuesday. “We’re thrilled to hear that the South Boston Allied War Veterans Council has decided to make the 2015 parade an inclusive event.”
The military has been completely faggoted-out since the Clinton Era. I think it has been forgotten completely that these people are supposed to be able to fight and kill their enemies.
There are no faggots in ISIS. None in the Russian military either.

Andrew Anglin contributed to this report.