Gay Wetback Rubio Openly Planning “Brokered Convention” to Steal Nomination from Trump

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
February 11, 2016

Sen. Marco Rubio, R-Fla., attends a Senate Foreign Relations Committee hearing on the nomination of Victoria Nuland to be assistant secretary of State for European and Eurasian affairs, on Capitol Hill in Washington, Thursday, July 11, 2013. (AP Photo/J. Scott Applewhite)

One of the biggest drawbacks with Marco Rubio is that he gives no indication to voters that he’s a human being.

Hey, here’s another one of those bizarre things.


The best hope of the Republican establishment just a week ago, Marco Rubio suddenly faces a path to his party’s presidential nomination that could require a brokered national convention.

That’s according to Rubio’s campaign manager, Terry Sullivan, who told The Associated Press that this week’s disappointing performance in New Hampshire will extend the Republican nomination fight for another three months, if not longer. It’s a worst-case scenario for Rubio and many Republican officials alike who hoped to avoid a prolonged and painful nomination fight in 2016.

“We very easily could be looking at May — or the convention,” Sullivan said aboard Rubio’s charter jet from New Hampshire to South Carolina on Wednesday. “I would be surprised if it’s not May or the convention.”

Would you be surprised if you just outright lose because no one wants Marco Rubio to be President?

The public embrace of a possible brokered convention marks a sharp shift in rhetoric from Rubio’s top adviser that could be designed to raise alarm bells among Republican officials. Yet days after a disappointing fifth-place finish in New Hampshire and looking up at Donald Trump in next-up South Carolina, Rubio’s presidential ambitions are truly facing growing odds.

“My kids were watching me last night,” Rubio said of his nationally televised admission that a poor debate performance pushed voters away. “My kids knew that it didn’t go the way I wanted it to go.”

“I taught them more last night from that experience, I feel, than any words I’ll share. They were learning from that experience,” he said.

“Opening up” like the faggot you are isn’t going to help you against the Alpha Male, amigo.

As he shifts his attention to South Carolina’s Feb. 20 contest, the 44-year-old freshman senator wants voters to know he’s learned an important lesson from his experience in New Hampshire. Instead of trying to avoid attacking his GOP rivals on the debate stage, Rubio said he’s now prepared to fight back when necessary — particularly with his party’s front-runner Donald Trump.




We’ve been waiting for this, Marco! You can’t do robot-talk on The Donald! But we’re going to love seeing you try!

There hasn’t been a contested national convention since 1976, yet Republican National Committee officials have already had preliminary discussions about the possibility of no candidate securing a majority of delegates in the state-by-state primary contests.

It’s by no means assured that Rubio’s candidacy will survive that long.

Despite his popularity among many Republican leaders, he will ultimately need to start winning primary contests to remain competitive — especially as Trump and Cruz perform well.

Rubio’s team has long expressed confidence about his chances in South Carolina. Yet Rubio downplayed expectations when talking to reporters. “We obviously need to do better than we did in New Hampshire,” he said of the state where he finished in fifth place.

Sensing weakness, Democrats and Republicans alike have begun to question Rubio’s long-term viability.

“The debate performance hurt. We’ll see if he can turn it around,” said 68-year-old Rubio supporter Rusty DePass after a Wednesday rally in Columbia. “I’m mad as hell at the people who run his campaign for not having him prepared.”

“It was awful,” DePass said.

What is there to prepare, buddy? You just go up there and talk. Your own beliefs and speaking abilities should have prepared you for it. The point there being that Rubio doesn’t have beliefs or speaking abilities.

He is, as he’s been called, a mindless robot. An actual android, however, could presumably be programmed to do a better job pretending to be human.

It’s over, Rubio. It’s time to pack up your taco sauce and dildos and head on back to Cuba.
