Gays for Trump?

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
June 15, 2016

In all honesty guys, I’m not bothered by this.

Obviously, Trump is pushing society further right, which will lead to a rapid decrease in all of this homo crap.

The homosexual problem is a social problem, not a problem of individual faggots.

Although I do believe homosexuality should be illegal, I do not think they should be hunted down. They should just be in the closet. And the reality is becoming clear to them that they are either going to be killed by Moslems or go back to their traditional position in the shadows.

Breaking off homos from the left-wing coalition would be extremely beneficial. It would confuse the whole thing, as homos are one of their favorite protected groups. And I do think that these fags understand the choice they have facing them. Some of them, at least. This particular fag in the video says queer marriage won’t be over-turned – but eventually it will be, if Trump is elected and society continues to go in the direction of traditional right-wing populism. And it will be a lot more than that.

After overturning “gay marriage,” we will then make Russian-style gay propaganda laws, then make it illegal for them to display gay-love in public or have non-secret gay meetings.

I think this is all a sacrifice that gays are willing to make, as they come to terms with the alternative.