Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
August 1, 2014

The evil of the Jew knows no bounds. In their Talmud, where one can witness the sick depths of their genetic viciousness, we see that their morality allows them to sign a pact with gentiles and break it.
They followed this model today. After making a deal for a 72 hour period where they would not murder the defenseless women and children, they decided to attack a hospital two hours later.
Another Jew trick – they tell them there is a ceasefire so that they take their wounded to the hospital, then they attack the hospital.
40 were killed.
1,499 have been killed since the “war” started.
Ask yourself, goyim, what sort of a people behaves like this? Who can slaughter innocent babies in schools, slaughter wounded in hospitals?
Only a Jew.
But now the whole world sees you, demon.
Your cover is blown.

We can be assured that NEVER AGAIN will you be able to act with impunity, to trick and sneak without your beady eyes and hooked noses being identified as the mark of evil.
Through your own deliberate behavior, you have given the game away.